In the past few decades, the technology industry has significantly increased. Nowadays, people can rely on numerous technological tools, devices,
As part of The Startup Magazine’s Female Founder Interview series, we interviewed Martha Razo, author of the book, Business Diva: Stories
Organizations sit on large volumes of business data. Every new operation a business makes in today’s digital world, from facilitating
Whether starting a business or growing your enterprise, finances are often a vital make or break factor for success, or
For most businesses, this year had probably been the most difficult to survive, the lockdowns and the closing of companies
At first sight the world of economics and finance appears reasonably easy to understand. But if you are new to
There are many factors that make or break a business. Whether external or internal, these factors should be evaluated and
Founded by Brian Carroll, Christopher Esclapez, Tom Rogers, and Peter Martin, MusicGurus provide online music education from top-class musicians from