Staffing / Careers

Top Reasons Why Your Organization Needs Anonymous Employee Feedback

We all know that feedback is essential. Whenever we work on a project, our peers and superiors can provide insight into how well we’re doing. But the problem is that sometimes it takes effort to give and receive feedback in a way that makes it worthwhile. 

anonymous employee surveys

Instead of getting helpful information, people may feel judged or defensive, and they might give you their opinion anyway. That’s why anonymous employee surveys have become popular throughout many industries as a way to gather honest opinions from employees without worrying about repercussions for either party involved.

Here are the top reasons why your organization needs anonymous employee surveys.

Encourages openness

Anonymous employee feedback encourages openness. Think about it. People are more likely, to be honest, speak up, and take responsibility for their actions. They’re also more likely to change their behavior if they know that their managers will look out for the organization’s best interests.

Employees might be hesitant to give feedback if they believe that their supervisor will hold it against them or if they fear retribution. By encouraging anonymous employee surveys and other forms of anonymous communication between employees and higher-ups at work, companies can help encourage an open culture where everyone feels free enough to contribute ideas on how best to improve company processes and offer accurate reviews of each other’s performance levels.

Gives management a reality check

According to Linkedin, 75% of employees believe that feedback is essential. And even managers need to know what’s happening with their teams. They need to understand how employees are feeling, and they need to have a better idea of what the real problems are. If people aren’t giving you honest feedback, it’s usually because they’re afraid of being punished or overlooked for promotions. 

This kind of fear can be dangerous for your organization. It means that only good news is getting through, which means you might see warning signs once it’s too late. Anonymous employee feedback allows employees to give honest input without fear of punishment or retribution from management.

Breaks down walls

The ability to give anonymous feedback is the main reason why your organization needs it. While it’s true that some people will be more likely to provide honest feedback if they don’t have to worry about repercussions, this is only sometimes the case. People are often willing and eager to share their ideas and concerns but are still determining how or whether they should do so.

Along with breaking down walls within the company, giving anonymous feedback allows employees who might otherwise feel too intimidated by their superiors or peers. Or aren’t sure what an appropriate way to speak up without fear of being shamed or ridiculed. 

Creates more dialogue

According to Brosix, 33% of the workforce state the lack of transparency in internal communications is a problem. If you’re wondering why anonymous feedback is so important, it allows employees to feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns. 

It creates more dialogue between managers and their teams, encouraging employees to speak up about issues they may not feel comfortable discussing in a face-to-face meeting.

It can be constructive when working with remote teams that can’t convene regularly or organizations with large or distributed teams who can’t get together regularly for meetings. Anonymous employee feedback helps break down barriers between peers and management by providing an outlet for people who otherwise might not share their views or concerns with others within the company.

Builds trust and loyalty

Employee feedback is paramount to building trust, loyalty, and employee retention. A recent survey by Edelman revealed that 78% of employees trust their employers. If you’re fostering an environment of communication and feedback between employees, you’re taking advantage of a huge opportunity to develop your company culture.

Communication is key to building trust, and anonymous employee surveys are one way to do this. Employees need opportunities for candid dialogue with managers about various topics such as compensation, career development, mentorship programs, and more that impact an individual’s overall experience at work. 

Anonymous Employee Feedback Is Important for Getting Honest Results

In face-to-face, non-anonymous feedback, employees may be hesitant to share their true feelings about a workplace issue or organizational problem. They may feel that they will come across as unfavorable or not a team player if they don’t give their full approval of something the company has done or is doing. 

Anonymous employee surveys can also help you discover things you never knew were issues at your organization before receiving them in anonymous survey responses. It means that even if you thought all was well at your company, there could still be some serious problems lurking under the surface, waiting for someone with enough insight into what employees need from their work environment.


If you’re looking for a way to improve your organization, anonymous feedback is an easy and cost-effective way. Encouraging employees to share their honest opinions will benefit the company and help create a more engaged workforce. With this in mind, creating a culture that promotes open communication between management and staff members is essential, so they feel comfortable giving honest answers without fear of repercussions or judgment.
