Top 5 Benefits of Working in Canada in 2022
In 2021 Canada welcomed over 401,000 new permanent residents. If you’re wondering why everybody is flocking to this glorious country, take a look at the top 5 benefits of working in Canada in 2022. Perhaps this will be your year to experience this luxurious way of living too. The Canadian employee benefits might change your life.
5 Perks of Having a Job in Canada in 2022
1. Serious about salaries
Did you know the average salary per year in Canada is $68,250? Depending on the industry you’re working in, this will most likely differ. Canada’s wages are much higher than many countries around the world, and the more work experience you have, the more you’ll get paid. Industries such as social services, hospitality, legal, shipping, administration, childcare and education, construction, and accounting pay way more in Canada than in the U.S., for example.
Not only do Canadians get paid every two weeks, but they also get a bit more if they fall ill. Basically, you’re getting paid to get better.
2. Benefits to beat
Job security is seen as a major benefit in Canada. If you become sick or disabled, you do not have to worry about losing your job in Canada.
Canada is notorious for its low unemployment rates. However, the COVID-19 pandemic still impacted some industries and people, who unfortunately lost their jobs. During this time, the Canadian government thought it would be wise to provide permanent residents and citizens with $2,000 in financial support every month to help them get by.
3. Work slightly hard. Play harder.
The global average for working hours in Canada is 40 – 44
hours per week. Most people working in Canada in 2022 on a full-time basis spend about 36 to 40 hours at their workplace. No wonder Canada is one of the top choices for immigrants to relocate to.
Besides not spending much time in the office, Canadians get longer paid holidays to spend time with friends and family. If you work at a company for longer than five years, you are allowed to take a three-week paid vacation as part of your Canadian employee benefits.
4. Excitement for expecting parents
If you’re expecting a little one in Canada, your maternity leave will end exactly 17 weeks after you have given birth. Compared to more than 31 countries, which only have 12 weeks of pregnancy leave, this gives you the optimal time to stay in and snuggle with your little one. Here are some amazing Canadian employee benefits when you are on maternity leave:
- You will have a benefit rate of between 33% – 55% of a parent’s weekly insurable earnings, which means that you don’t have to worry about a stable income while nurturing your baby. You will also get between 35 and 61 shared weeks of paid leave.
- Mothers do not get perks alone. Their partners get five extra weeks of either “non-birthing” parents or “daddy days” off work in a two-parent family dynamic.
5. Happier at heart
It’s no surprise that Canada ranks at number 15 in the World Happiness Report. Almost 70 percent of Canadian workers have reported that they are happy within their job, which is very high compared to the rest of the global average worldwide, at 59 percent. With Canada’s company perks, it’s not hard to see why people are extremely happy here. From paid maternity leave to 3 weeks of paid vacation and even earning a little extra when you’re sick – no wonder the Canadian employees are so happy.
Ready to find a job in Canada? Discover the top tips for a successful Canadian job application here.
Work Permits
If you want to experience the amazing Canadian employee benefits of having a job in Canada, you’ll have to apply for a work permit. There are two Canadian work permit types:
- An Open Work Permit; and
- Employer-specific Work Permit
An open work type has two sub-categories; Unrestricted and Restricted Permits. An open work permit allows you to work for any employer in Canada for a certain amount of time.
An Employer-specific Work Permit allows you to work for one specific employer, in one specific province, for a specific amount of time.
In order to qualify for either one of these, you will have to meet the work permit requirements. If these requirements aren’t met, you will not qualify for the visa.
If you wish to learn more about the benefits of working in Canada in 2022
and Canada’s work permit types, visit for more information on how to start living the life of your dreams in the Great White North.