How to Stay Cool, Focused, and Stress Free in Your Job
For many people across the country, their workplace can seem far from relaxed and organized, and in fact may be incredibly high-stress. According to statistics from The American Institute of Stress workplace stress amounts to 46% of a person’s overall causes of stress, followed by “people issues”. What this means is that there is a real need to get a handle on stress in the workplace so that you can feel more focused, relaxed, and in turn perform more efficiently and productively.
Now obviously there will always be those jobs that are known to be high-stress and there isn’t much you can do to get around that. Careers in the medical field, law enforcement, and even the financial industry tend to be some of the toughest ones where stress is concerned. With that said, there are some techniques and tips you can implement that will help you to relax as much as possible.
Give Yourself Enough Time in the Morning
One of the worst things you can do for yourself is to not allow for enough time to get ready and get to work in the morning. If you start your day off in a rushed and panicked manner, it’s only going to go downhill from there. Instead, try to allow a little extra time so that you can actually sit down and enjoy a healthy breakfast, not panic if you get stuck in traffic, and not feel as though your nerves are on edge the moment you walk out the door.
Create a List of Priorities Each Day
If your stress is related to you feeling overwhelmed and feeling as though you never have a chance to complete tasks, you may find it useful to start prioritizing your day. Create a to-do list each day and work your way through it one by one. Just going about your day in a more organized manner can help decrease your level of stress.
Get Out of the Office During Your Lunch Break
Sometimes the very best way to de-stress is to actually walk away from a situation. Your lunch break can be the perfect opportunity to leave the office, get outdoors, take a walk, eat at a favorite restaurant, and basically just turn your brain off for a short time.
Look Into CBD Products
Another tip is to look into CBD oil and other CBD products as a way to help manage your stress and any anxiety you may be feeling. CBD oil (cannabidiol) is a compound that is found in the marijuana plant, but CBD doesn’t contain THC. THC is what is responsible for the “high” people feel when using marijuana.
There has been a lot of research done of late regarding CBD’s effect on depression, anxiety, stress, and pain. The results have been interesting and there have been some studies that show it can help the person to cope better.
A Few Useful Tips
This is just a few useful tips on how to deal with stress in the workplace. Don’t forget to also make sure you are staying hydrated during the day, get enough sleep at night, and exercise regularly.