
Startup Review – Macropay – Common Check Out Issues Customers Have

One of the main barriers to sales is the customer checkout experience. In this Macropay review, let’s have a look at the most common online shopping check-out issues that customers face and how to address them. Keep reading for some additional notes from Macropay’s Founder & CEO himself, Adam J Clarke.

online shopping check-out issues

Understanding the Problem

Cart abandonment is a major reason for revenue churn among online retailers. In most cases, cart abandonment from a payment perspective is due to a long-winded execution of payment or the customers’ favorite payment method not being available to them,” says Adam J Clarke, CEO of Macropay.

Many potential customers change their minds while they are online shopping for various reasons. Understanding these reasons can help businesses adjust and improve their customer conversion rate by implementing new strategies.

Slow Website & Checkout

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Speed is important. People value their time, and many people are likely to discontinue their online shopping journey if the e-commerce website loads very slowly. Payment methods that are very slow can make people frustrated, leading to the loss of sales for businesses. The solution is to always optimize the performance of your website. Apart from this, implement payment methods that prioritize speed to make sure that customers make it to the final step of the sale.

Lack of Notifications

Uncertainty is awful. If a customer purchased something, but the website or app does not inform the customer that the purchase went through, it puts them in a stressful predicament. The lack of confirmation leads to anxiety that leads to an unpleasant online shopping check-out experience for your customer. Businesses should address this by implementing confirmation messages

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where needed and payment methods that provide clear messages to customers, assuring them of the status of their purchases.

Payment Gateway Looks Like a Scam

Trust is vital. A leading reason as to why users don’t continue their purchase is the feeling that the site is not trustworthy. If the site doesn’t look trustworthy, it might be a good idea not to put your credit card details in it. As a business, this means that websites and apps must be presented professionally to make users see that the site is trustworthy. Apart from this, modern-day consumers are smart enough to read online reviews before making purchases.

Trust is Key to Businesses

As businesses do their best, consumers themselves will provide positive reviews that will lead to more business. Additionally, trustworthy payment providers are also very essential. Money is a very crucial part of any industry, and this is why one must choose payment providers very wisely. Onboarding a trusted partner can really help address the online shopping check-out issues issues presented above.

Adam J Clarke of Macropay furthers that “working in the payments landscape involves a great amount of trust. When it comes to finances, customers are more discerning. This is why as a fintech company, we always aim to create products that help businesses provide a better experience to their customers.

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If you’re looking for a fast, certain, and trustworthy partner, it’s time to enhance your payment gateway through Macropay. The firm is a leading open banking services provider that can help you provide the best payment experience to your users. Get in touch with Macropay here for more information.