
Startup Business Ideas You Wouldn't Think Were Possible

Starting a new business is like opening a new chapter in your life. No longer will you have to work to someone else’s schedule, and no longer will you have to answer to someone less qualified than yourself. The only real problem is deciding on the concept that suits you best. You want something that you enjoy, but that also has the potential to create huge amounts of profit. For that reason, many people spend years planning their idea before launching it onto the market. However, we think it’s best to act fast.


Kevin Dooley

To help you make your mind up, we’ve decided to release a post that contains some pretty ambitious business ideas. Indeed, most people probably think you need millions in the bank to make these ideas work. That simply isn’t the case though. All you need is a lot of motivation and the right approach. All the suggestions below could make you extremely rich within only a short amount of time. For that reason, we ask that you pay attention.

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Here they are…

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Television Network

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Starting your own television network could be the best thing you ever do. To keep costs down, you should start making programs for YouTube and other video streaming websites first. Once you’ve built your audience, you could use crowdfunding to get the cash you need to launch your TV channel. At the moment, it costs around $30,000 per month to run the station with mainstream providers. Don’t worry though as you’ll easily make that from advertising once you’re established. You just need enough money to cover the first couple of months.

Energy provider

Most people think you need to drill for oil to become an energy provider, but that isn’t true. All you have to do is register your company and pay all standard fees. Households take their electricity and gas from the grid, regardless of who is selling it to them. That means you’ll simply be responsible for taking payments from customers and then paying for the energy they’ve used. You can outsource pretty much everything with this idea.  If you use EDI energy services through PPLSolutions, you don’t even have to worry about dealing with payments.

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Space exploration firm

There is no getting away from it; you’re going to need a fair amount of funding to start a business dealing with space exploration. However, there are lots of grants available for those with the best ideas. All you need is a crack team of innovative scientists who understand how the universe works. They need to be experts in physics for you to gain the attention you need. Thankfully, NASA recently announced they would no longer run missions into space. They have effectively passed the baton to private companies. There are lots of financial awards available for whoever manages to send the first manned mission to mars too.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about those business ideas, and that they have encouraged you to think outside of the box.

All the best folks! See you soon.