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How to Streamline Business Processes This Year

No matter the size or scope of your business, there are always ways to streamline it. The New Year provides a useful starting point if you want your business to start running more efficiently, so here are a few tips to help you do so.

Use the Cloud

The business world has been revolutionised by digital technology, and the latest advances can be used by even the smallest businesses to streamline their processes. Probably the most useful advance is cloud computing

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. Essentially, instead of forcing businesses to hold their data in physical on-site servers, all data can instead be synced online.

The best part of this from a business point of view is that you can have all of your data accessible from anywhere in the world that happens to benefit from a connection to the internet.Your accountant can access your accounts and your workers can manage and contribute to projects from home. With Astea, workers can access customer data while helping customers in the field. If you haven’t embraced the cloud already, it’s time to do so.

Outsource Where You Can

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Outsourcing has always been important for businesses, but it’s become increasingly vital in the modern world. First and foremost, outsourcing allows businesses to hand off some of their workload to someone else. This might cost money, but it means that you will be able to spend your time doing what you do best, not worrying over the tasks that you aren’t suited to.

Secondly, outsourcing provides the assistance of experts. You might be able to build a website for your business or foster a presence on important sites, but you’re never going to be as good at either task than someone who has made doing so into their career.

Look to the Past

Business owners all across the country are having a good hard look at 2016, attempting to divine what will help make them stand out in the New Year. However, it’s just as important to take a look at your past, so go over the details of your business in 2015.

Try to identify areas where you hoped to make greater leaps; perhaps you need to find a way to get more visitors to your website? You should also ask your employees whether there are any areas which they are unsatisfied with; let them know that you’re looking for ways to streamline the business so that they’ll feel comfortable pointing out any problems.

Talk to Your Professional Network

Researching ways to streamline your business is sure to turn up plenty of ideas, but, in the end, nothing can beat asking some contacts in the same industry for recommendations. They will be able to shed light on new practices that could make you more efficient, provide a referral to someone who can, or help you avoid that latest trend you’ve been interested in (which would not actually achieve the result you’re hoping for).


Even a minor correction to the way that your business is run can result in hundreds of hours saved over the course of the coming year, so make sure you take the time to streamline your processes to the greatest extent possible.


Yoav Farbey

Contributing writer to the Startup Magazine.