
Help! My marketing planning is a mess

Startup marketers are worried. They have no time for ‘the fun part’. Marketing planning organisation consumes more time than marketing planning itself. They lose time in Excel, causing them to lose control of all marketing management tasks.

marketing planning
Source: Pexels

Create an overview

Although better alternatives exist, marketing professionals are often reluctant to abandon Excel. Excel is used for everything: task lists, budget monitoring, distribution of publications and also for marketing planning projects. There should be an easier way.

Thanks to Husky Marketing Planner, a Belgian startup, the days when marketing is present throughout the entire organization in an unorganized way are over. No post-its lying around everywhere, whiteboards full of unreadable marketing buzzwords or 10 different marketing strategies that gather dust on desks or hijack online drives. ‘Integrating a planning tool requires time and engagement. The biggest part of the time is spent on changing the structure. But every team member has full insight, your campaigns are more transparent and reporting is just way easier,’ says CEO Peter Desmyttere.

The company was founded from a problem-oriented approach. ‘Planning problems in marketing departments are universal. Chaotic marketing planning in startups is even more common,’ Desmyttere states. ‘We work proactively and locally. We combine technology with training.’

Husky combines strategy, the communication plan, projects, tasks, budget, results and notes in one tool, creating a handy overview. Husky is different from other project management tools because the company started from the point-of-view of marketers. The complexity of marketing and communication were the basis for the product.

Train yourself

Without a doubt, training for marketers is one of the most effective ways to help them structure the marketing strategy. Online courses are a new trend in this training landscape. Training for Search Engine Optimization, social media and email marketing are very popular nowadays (provided by companies like Hubspot), but training for marketing organisation and planning remains untouched.

As mentioned by their CEO, Husky provides helpful online training to help marketers regarding this issue. ‘Currently, Belgium and the Netherlands are our first goals. But we already have clients knocking on our door from all over the world. We meet their needs through inside sales and video training.’

Planning equals productivity

Most startup marketers are under constant pressure. But do they make the most of the hours worked? An immense amount of time lost due to poor planning and organisation. A project management tool deals with that. In one digital system, you can link projects, tasks and a calendar with communication actions into a single clear whole. And that gives you peace of mind. You no longer lag behind the facts, but take control of your own returns.