Is a Decorating Business A Viable Startup?
If you’re currently in the process of considering whether or not you have a viable career as a painter and decorator, then you’re probably already aware of some of the basic requirements. For those with a love of creativity and DIY, home decorating can be a very rewarding career, while also being a potentially high-profit business venture as well. Unlike interior designers, it is possible to become a painter and decorator with little to no formal qualifications. But there are some considerations that you’re going to need to take into account. While this is a profitable business sector, there are some elements that you may not have considered. These three factors will make the viability of your new business much more positive. They’ll help you build up your business in a much safer way.

Always have a plan
You should never even consider starting a business without a well-formulated and researched business plan. For those hoping to attract any form of financial investment, your business plan will be the key to that. If you think that you already have all of the equipment that you need, you’re still going to need a robust and detailed business plan in place. This is because that plan will help you to identify your potential customer base, the main competitors in your area, and the possibility for future expansion. Having the facts compiled in one place will encourage you to be more creative with your marketing strategies, your pricing structures, and your overall launch costs. Never overlook the importance of a business plan when it comes to the future of your business.
Practical considerations
Your first step is going to be getting your paperwork in order. You will need to make an appointment with your local city hall or the county clerk’s office in order to complete all of the necessary application forms for a business. You may find that some states allow this process to be carried out online. Once this is in place, you’re going to need the right level of insurance. For the painting and decorating business, you’re going to be best off with a specialized general liability insurance. The good news is that it’s never been easier to find affordable contractor liability insurance
, and this one step in your business launch could be the most important. The right coverage will protect you. It will also establish trust with your customers, improve company loyalty and prompt much more positive online reviews.
The challenge of marketing yourself
Not everyone is a skilled marketer, and it can be very challenging to create a marketing strategy if your only idea is to make the occasional Facebook post or Craigslist ad. There are some basic steps to self-marketing your new business, but it’s always a good idea to start networking. Use social media platforms to find those that lead the discussions that are relevant to your decorating niche. Start getting involved in the online conversation. Look at email marketing tactics, and always work to fulfill the expectations of your existing clients. Positive word of mouth reviews have a much wider reach than ever before, with one simple tweet able to recommend your business to an audience of thousands.
Starting any new business requires hard work and dedication. Commit to your business idea and ensure that you take the right steps to secure it. The more work that you put in before launch, the more likely that your new venture will provide you with a sustainable income and the satisfaction that you have achieved your goals.