Customer Pain Points: What They Are And Why They’re Important
Solving people’s problems is the best way to make money. Every business that does so is sure to see success. In fact, they say that necessity is the mother of invention. This is just another way to say that the best way to go is to make something that helps people and it will be a hit. The trick is to figure out what problems people are having and then find a way to get them to understand that you have the solution: what are your customer pain points?

Focusing on Your Customer
For example, optimizing your sales page with a video that helps the potential customers understand that your product or service is the solution to their problem is a good start. And you should have it professionally done by a company like Zipinmedia, a local video production company in Miami.
At the heart of solving your customer pain points is understanding your target audience and knowing what it is that they actually need. In this article, we will go over what some common pain points are so you can identify where your visitors are getting stuck.
Everybody is on the lookout for a deal. But particular customer pain points are often financial in nature. Usually, the problem is that a researcher is looking for a product that costs less than what they are being asked to pay. It can be a product that is usually overpriced and low quality so they are hoping that they can find a better one for less money.
Many people are under financial strain and need to be smart about their purchases. Their pain point is that they want to understand that the product or service you are offering is going to be worth the money.
It takes a lot of research into the competition to figure out if this is the specific pain point that many of the visitors to your site are facing. At this point, you will need to get some content up that will help them understand the quality of the product for the price. But, not only that. It has to be understood that their problem is going to be solved.
Demonstrate how the product differs from the competition by explaining the better materials used and how they last a long time, for example. By doing so, a customer will know that they are going to be spending their money and getting a quality product in return. In other words, it is providing value so they don’t overspend.
Another very common area of customer pain points is that people have very little time to get all of their tasks done. They want products that are going to save them time or at least work effectively so they don’t have to spend a lot of time using them. For instance, a coffee maker that doesn’t have a way to program it to start brewing their coffee before they get up for work is a pain point.
They are looking for a new machine but want to make sure that it is going to save them time and effort. When you are looking to get into the market than developing a product that does this is essential.
If a product is going to be a hassle to use then people will turn away and won’t buy from you. It could even be a service and not a product. People that are spending too much time having to plan meals for the week would pay somebody to do it for them.
The list of customer pain points really is endless, but the bottom line is that if your product doesn’t save time then it will get lost to the competition. This element should be the edge that lifts you over the competition so a redesign should be made. Then, marketing to get the word out about how it is a time-saving device is necessary.
How to identify pain points
The trickiest part to improving a product or service based on pain points is identifying them, to begin with. The process involves a lot of research and can be quite complex. It starts with your own site if you already have one.
Take some time to first dig into the data. Find out who your customers are. It is important to know the makeup of your market. Are they mainly women or men? Are they suburban or urban? These details will help to paint a picture of what your ideal customer is so you can then determine what they are looking for.
Another good way to learn what their pain point is is to ask them. Run a poll on your social media channels and see what the biggest problem facing your customers is. This type of feedback is crucial and should be very high on your list of priorities.
Then it is time to research the competition. Part of that is reading the reviews that people are leaving around the web. A lot of insight can be gleaned from these reviews. Even the good ones may reveal some gold nuggets by talking about something they wish the product did better even though they were overall happy with it.
Use this in marketing
Hopefully, your product was already designed to meet the needs of your ideal customer. Understanding the customer pain points will help to market it. Make sure that this is the crux of your campaign as it is going to resonate with people.
You can use inbound marketing by using the right keywords for organic search or for ads by using qualifiers. For instance, if the pain point is financial then use the words economical, value for money, and inexpensive as these are words people will search for and find you.
The best way to get a customer for life is to leave them satisfied that they got exactly what they were looking for. If you make people’s lives just a little bit easier then they will be very loyal to your brand.
It’s the best way to beat the competition, too. If a business isn’t in the business of solving problems then it shouldn’t be around long.