
How to choose the right data science company?

Data science is a hot topic, no doubt about that. But moving on it hastily without any clue about what even data science is, can result in a very disappointing outcome. 

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Outsourcing the right company and hiring the best candidates for the job requires some basic knowledge. Without proper background on the topic, we would not be capable of knowing what factors are more important than others. That is why though the data science solutions can skyrocket the value of the company a lot of entrepreneurs that implement it still fails to achieve that goal.

Precisely comprehending the company’s needs 

First, before we start looking for a data science company we should comprehend what the data science is, what problems can it solve, how it manages to do so, and then specify what exactly are our expectations towards it. We should consider the situation of our company comprehensively. Maybe to improve the company we should most of all enhance its current operating procedures.

For example, we could seek for an AI developing company to create an application that is going to help in managing the customer service. Maybe the reason behind our company’s problem is that our employers are too overwhelmed with the amount of work and cannot keep up with the growing number of customers trying to contact them. Artificial Intelligence with the capability of machine learning skills can answer e-mails and provide our customers with useful information via chat on the website. What is more, one AI can talk to multiple people at once.

In other cases, we could have difficulties understanding our customers’ needs and notoriously fail to recognize them. This, in turn, leads to losing customers due to the lack of expected satisfaction and having a hard time acquiring new ones. The best option then is to seek someone who can develop the AI-driven algorithm. It could track and analyze customers’ behaviors to make special offers and recommendations for them. One of the other solutions to the problem is investing in a Business Intelligence application that would show us exactly what our customers need and want.

Seek only when you know what you want

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The possibilities to improve our company by the implementation of an AI are countless. With a piece of basic knowledge about Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in general, we can specify what our company’s needs are. Then, with a concrete thing in mind, we can finally approach different data science companies ( and negotiate the terms more wisely.

If you want to hire a professional in data science, you would know by then what skills the candidate should present. The best thing to do to avoid hiring an incompetent amateur is to ask for the sample of their work first. Even if we are no experts in the data science field, we should be able to at least note what the candidate’s work ethic is.

When we know what we want the whole perspective changes. Easier outsourcing someone matching the company’s needs is one thing. What is more, by communicating our expectations the professional we hire is more likely to meet them.