The Accomplishments of Entrepreneur, Justin Halladay
Justin Halladay is an inspirational entrepreneur from New Jersey. During his over 15 years of experience, he has worked for a variety of companies in multiple states and founded several of his own businesses. Throughout it all, Halladay has demonstrated his commitment to overcoming obstacles, living a life by design and staying true to his faith. The businessman, husband and father of three is not only to put in the hours necessary to succeed, but eager to share the secrets of his accomplishments to help younger generations to meet their goals.

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What Entrepreneur Justin Halladay Recommends For Anyone Starting Out
For young entrepreneurs who are just starting out, Justin recommends having a strong spiritual foundation. “Regardless of your faith,” Justin says, “read the Bible. It has the answers to all the questions in the modern world, including personal and business life. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world read the Bible on a daily basis.”
Another key for budding entrepreneurs is consistency. “Set your goals and stay focused on them,” says Justin. The world is full of more distractions than ever, like television and social media. It’s critical to be able to turn off the noise from things that don’t matter and spend your valuable time on the things that are important. This includes your business goals, but it also includes those who are the dearest to your heart; your family, your friends, and of course your Creator. When you have joy and contentment in your personal life, it’s easier to succeed in business. You won’t find that written in a science book, but it’s true!
Motivated entrepreneurs should strive to build relationships with mentors, Justin recommends. “Those who have “been there, done that” are usually willing to share their experiences, just as I am,” Halladay says. Mentors can be anyone who has achieved success in life. Ideally, choose a mentor in the same industry where you want to work. They will have specific and unique experiences to share that can help you to leapfrog over obstacles that might have otherwise made you stumble. There are professional life coaches for hire, too, but those are more for general goals. To find a mentor in your field, seek out people on LinkedIn. Get a pro account so you can email people and start to build a relationship. You’ll find out early on if they are the type of person who is willing to help and share with you. If they aren’t don’t lose hope; just keep looking – which leads to the last bit of advice for entrepreneurs.
Tenacity is essential, says Justin. Things aren’t always going to work out the way you want them to, but they’ll always work out. You need to develop a thick skin and not let life knock you down so hard that you can’t get up. Never lose hope. If you think the opportunities aren’t out there for you, just wait a while. Something will come along. That’s what happened for me with crypto.
Entrepreneurial Accomplishments of Justin Halladay
If that wasn’t enough, Justin Halladay is also a licensed Realtor. For over six years, he has worked in the region of affluent Fleming Island near Jacksonville, Florida. On top of his work with crypto, Halladay also works hard to serve the real estate needs of buyers and sellers in and around Jacksonville.
Justin’s entrepreneurial experience isn’t only limited to business ventures, either. His present work also includes Children for Christ, which is a Christian-owned and operated ministry to spread the Bible’s word while supporting children’s ministries. As President and Founder of this organization, Halladay and his team make a line of Bible-inspired clothing and sell it locally and online to assist in funding the ministry. This rewarding endeavor is just one of the ways that Halladay demonstrates his belief in doing works that align with one’s spiritual values.
The Beginning of Justin Halladay’s Career
By his own admission, not graduating college was an obstacle for Justin Halladay. “I overcame it by obtaining by being self-taught,” he says. In the end, Halladay gathered so much knowledge, education and experience on his own that he outperformed college graduates later on in the technology space. Early on, Halladay worked for small organizations with less than 500 employees and larger multinational enterprises with tens of thousands of employees. He worked for corporations in Pennsylvania, Colorado, New York, and his native state of New Jersey, among other places. Halladay even worked for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter for six years in the World Trade Center. After that, he spent five years working for a tiny software development firm in Jacksonville Beach. He spent five years as a worldwide rollout manager for a large corporation in Denver, Colorado, as a result of this role. From Denver to New Jersey, Philadelphia, and back to Florida, where he begins the second part of his professional career and the second chapter of his life. It’s clear that working in such a wide variety of workplaces, being exposed to various models of business and meeting people from all sorts of business backgrounds really informed Halladay’s approach to work.
Taking a Page From the Best
Halladay learned firsthand how important it is to build relationships with the right people; meaning people who are serious-minded and know how to achieve goals. “I realized early on that with the right people in my corner I could achieve anything I set my hopes on,” Halladay enthuses.
While others may have burned bridges over the course of several years, going from company to company, Halladay made friends. His amiable personality and willingness to be humble has garnered a stable of admirers over the years. Dozens or more of busy, successful businessmen have set aside their agendas and made time to assist Halladay with mentoring advice, something that Justin is deeply grateful for. Says Halladay, “With such a strong support network, I can always surround myself with people who are wiser than me, as one of my mentors advised me early in my business career. I have a terrific team of partners and friends to bounce ideas off of and grow them into solutions, and eventually goods and services, when they come to me, which they do frequently.”
Giving For the Sake of Humanity
There’s a common perception that one should give in order to get. But that’s not how Halladay operates. Halladay and his wife are active with charitable contributions. As Halladay explains it, “We believe we are to give of our first fruits, as the Bible says. Rather than trying to calculate what we have left at the end of the month, we try to give on a monthly basis at the beginning of the month.”
Halladay’s philanthropic contributions include offering resources and help to individuals who otherwise might not have them. “We’ve had a fantastic opportunity to connect with local organizations that are putting food on people’s tables or clothes on their backs.”
Halladay and his wife also search for issues with which they have a personal connection. “We’re very focused on widows and orphans right now,” he adds, “and we’re working with a group that’s very close to my wife’s heart.” Because she is from Guatemala, one of the organizations with whom we are collaborating is a Guatemalan orphanage. They’re doing some meaningful work there.” In fact, Halladay shared with us him and his wife were able to fund a Fresh water well project for the children. “Being able to donate some funds and see this well come to life and provide fresh water for the entire village has been the real blessing!”
And, entrepreneur Justin Halladay emphasizes, it’s not about getting credit. ”Most of the things we do, we request that it be completely anonymous,” he says. “After all, it’s not about us at the end of the day. It’s only a matter of identifying the individuals who will put the money to good use.”