
3 Ways to Promote Your New StartUp

You finally did it. The wheels are successfully in motion for your brand new startup business. You’ve received the funding, the office space, and a couple of employees. Things are beginning to feel very real, and you’re all very excited for your startup launch.

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Credit: RF._.studio via 

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Now all that’s left to do is spread the word with a marketing and promotion strategy. You may not have room in your budget to hire an entire marketing team, and that’s okay. You can begin the promotion process internally. All you need is some creativity, time to brainstorm ideas, and a cohesive plan. To help you come up with promotional ideas, check out our tips on how to get your company noticed.

1. Create High-Quality Merchandise

Everyone loves to collect stuff. Go through your coffee mug collection, and you’ll likely find a couple with emblems of your favourite cities, TV shows, and other brands you love. People like to promote the things that mean a lot to them and want to share them with others. Consider the benefits of giving away branded merchandise to help promote your startup launch.

For example, you could order custom printed facemasks online with your company’s logo printed clearly on the front. Currently, wearing a facial mask is a necessity in most parts of the world. People are always on the hunt for a new facial covering because they wear one every day. Find an online company that provides bulk custom orders so you can receive a considerable amount at one time to keep with you over the next several weeks. Give them away at trade shows, industry events, and offer online giveaways to your social media followers.

2. Email Marketing

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A professional email marketing campaign will help get your name into the right hands. We say “professional” because it’s not something that you can whip together in a couple of hours. A successful email marketing campaign can take weeks to perfect. You must deliver outstanding, eye-catching content with every email you send. Many people, particularly industry professionals, receive emails from startups just like you multiple times a day. How are you going to make your startup launch stand out from the rest?

Diversify your email content with interesting How To Guides, including videos and infographics. Add beautiful graphics and artwork to each email. Create a calendar that won’t bombard anyone’s inbox, and aim for weekly or bi-weekly deliverables.

3. Work with a Public Relations Team

It’s a wise idea to hire a publicist during the initial days of starting your business. The right person will help you get media attention, such as local radio show slots and online buzz. Your publicist will write an outstanding press release that will generate positive interest in your products and services.

Sometimes all it takes to become a household name is to land a spot on your city’s morning radio show or an interview on a widely-known blog.

Your startup is your baby, and you’ve put a lot of money, effort, and time into making it happen. Now it’s time to let the world know how great you are with these three promotional startup launch tips.
