Trades Services Going Digital – Start With A Website
Often times you’ll find that, when searching for repair service or a craftsman, recommendations are your best bet. People are likely to recommend trades services that they thought did the job and provided friendly and high-quality interactions. Sometimes, recommendations don’t bring anything up and you need to turn to the internet.

This is where
tradesmen website design and development comes into play. Without tradesmen websites, individual contractors would have no way of getting their name out there. Designing a tradesmen website can be tricky as well – you’ll need to hold your tradesmen to a high standard as well as your clients. Making the website pleasing and easy to use is necessary as well to keep traffic to your site high.
Here we provide the basics you need to know to create a tradesmen website that will reach the heights of Google’s results and keep a steady client base. Creating your website is about complying with your clients’ needs and providing the best quality tradesmen. Develop your website to become the top of the industry and offer the best connections for every service need.
What trade is your feature service
Many tradesmen websites offer a specific featured trade as their go-to product? Some websites specialize in plumbing, others in rooftops services. Sites like HomeAdvisor offer a broad range of trades services that cover any tradesmen needs. It may be beneficial to offer a home for all sorts of trades, giving you more of a client base to work with. However, this also means you will be competing with other sites.
Providing clients with all sorts of trade services is beneficial in its own way but supporting a more niche market could allow you to rise to the top quicker. If you specialize in a certain field of trade, your website will have less competition and will find an easier path to the top. Find the featured trade that you wish to showcase and focus your website on that.
If you want to make a more generalized tradesmen website that offers services from across the board, don’t be dissuaded. The market might be filled with more competitors, but that doesn’t mean you won’t reach the ranks of HomeAdvisor. Offering more types of services will provide you more types of clients. Capitalize on the larger audience and your website will grow.
Filter your clients
Some clients could end up wasting your tradesmen’s time by interacting with them and then leaving them with no answer. By applying identification and contact verification processes to your website for both the clients and the tradesmen, you will take a step in preventing this. Keep your site up to a certain standard and protect your clients as well as your tradesmen time.
Appeal to accessibility
Your site isn’t all about what trades services you offer or how quality your users are. If your clients don’t understand how to navigate your website, they’ll go somewhere else. By making your website easy to navigate and pleasing to the eye, you will help establish a liking from your clients. The more they like the feel and look of your site, the more likely they are to use your services.
Keep up to date with SEO
Providing blogs daily and using keywords will boost your ranking on Google’s results list. The more your website applies to the topics being searched, the more likely your website is to be chose. By providing blogs daily, you showcase your trades services website as an active and useful place for someone’s tradesmen recommendation needs.