
The Ultimate Guide to PPC Campaigns

Pay per click adverts or PPC, have become something of a hot trend in the last few years. Social media and link building is vital for SEO success. But, effectively deploying an effective PPC campaign can be a positive way to boost web traffic.

PPC is a form of paid advertising. As with all advertising, it’s important to ensure that you are creating a larger customer base. This is vital for sustainable growth. PPC can have a positive impact on any business. You don’t have to be the owner of a giant corporation to feel the benefits of a well deployed PPC campaign. Quite the opposite, in fact. PPC is becoming an excellent way for start-ups to get noticed in the online world.

Here, we will explore PPC in more depth.


This image has been sourced from Flickr via SEO Planter

The Goals of a PPC Campaign

PPC can be used for a wide number of things. Primarily, the company will deploy a PPC campaign to increasing sales. Sales, of course, means more cash in the bank. But, it can also be used to generate leads. With a growing number of people wanting to know more about online services, generating leads is a good way to go. After all, people may not need your services now, but they will need them in the future. More importantly, PPC can be used to create a buzz around your product or services.  According to a friendly digital agency, PPC can create something of brand awareness. For new businesses, PPC can ensure that your business is noticed. With the myriad of companies that are contained within Google this is an excellent way to get recognised.

PPC: It needs to be Relevant

In order for a PPC advert to be a success, you need it to be relevant. When a customer searches for a particular service or product in a search engine, they are retrieved millions of results. By using strategic keywords, you can ensure that you are prominent in the paid ads section with search engines. You can create a targeted campaign that will appeal to a broad range of people.

New Businesses and the Importance of PPC

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For the start-up venture, having a PPC advert is vital to your success. After all, you haven’t had a chance to build your backlinks and your content strategies. For the new business, a PPC advert can provide a boost to the company. But, it can also generate hype around a company too. While SEO can take a long time to set up, PPC is relatively immediate. PPC is perfect for those that want instant traffic. In the early days of business, generating traffic can be tough. But, PPC takes the hard work out for you.


PPC should always be used as a ‘bumper’ or boost to your traffic. It should never replace good old fashioned SEO tactics. Using the two in tandem is a sure fire way of achieving success. SEO takes time, but it’s an excellent strategy to have. PPC is instant and should always work alongside your existing campaigns. PPC is the future. It’s quick, cheap and easy to use. What’s not to love?