Spreading a charity message the sustainable way

Charities need to come up with compelling campaigns in order to get their message across. Unlike global businesses, a lot of charitable groups will not be able to spend significant sums of money on marketing and so they have to consider other options.
By making the most of social media channels, celebrity endorsements and promotional items, charities can develop good traction around their offering. However, they should also be looking to place environmental-friendliness at the heart of their operations, as this will reflect well on them in the long term.
There are plenty of examples of companies that have managed to stay sustainable while still achieving positive results. Ikea, the flat pack furniture supplier, places looking after the environment at the heart of its strategy. This includes the efficient use of energy and resources, sourcing products in a responsible way and investing in renewable energy and energy-efficient technology. By doing so, the company hopes to do its bit to tackle the issue of climate change.
While charities may not be quite as proactive as Ikea, they can still make sure their campaigns remain eco-friendly. Distributing recycled promotional merchandise is a great way to showcase your commitment to helping the environment to staff, customers and members of the public. Indeed, there are a number of methods of promotion that can be used on a daily basis and third sector groups should see which ones best fit their objectives. Once this decision has been made, they can choose a logo that tells the story of the brand and the fundraising campaign it is looking to promote.
Carrier bags
By handing out carrier bags featuring their logo, charities can increase visibility and boost brand awareness, while also transmitting an eco-friendly message. These inexpensive carriers are compact and reusable, which means people will continually be exposed to your branding over a long period of time. Moreover, the goodwill gesture of distributing such items could result in your group receiving more donations.
Coffee cups
There are a range of eco-friendly printed mugs available to charities and they are made from recycled plastic, meaning the cups are lightweight and durable. Recipients will be able to use this item time and time again and so this is a particularly popular option for organisations. Your logo, contact details and any other relevant information visible on the mugs will be seen by the recipient, their friends, colleagues and even passersby.
One of the most popular options, all charities can spread their message through promotional T-shirts. Research by the Advertising Specialty Institute
has found that 43 per cent of US consumers own a branded T-shirt (46 per cent of men and 41 per cent of women). The garment of clothing is perfect for charities of all sizes, as it offers them a great opportunity to generate interest in their brand. Moreover, if people are wearing their apparel, they are unwittingly acting as brand ambassadors. The amount of advertising space on offer is a major benefit, as your branding will clearly be visible on the T-shirt.
One thing charities need to bear in mind throughout the decision-making process is to remember the eco-friendly message they are trying to advance. By doing this, they can make sure they do not distribute any products that are unsuitable.
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