Have Remote Employees? You Need Managed IT Services
Managed IT services are critical for businesses that have a remote workforce, whether it’s just a couple remote workers or the entire team. There are more inherent risks that come with having remote workers, and managed IT can help to mitigate those risks.
If you have remote employees and you haven’t started using managed IT, here are some reasons to check it out:
1. You’ll get high-level tech support
Tech support is underrated because most of the time, it’s not helpful to call the support number on the back of a random device. Most of the time, those tech teams are overseas and it’s hard to get real support. However, managed IT tech support is something else entirely.
With managed IT services comes excellent, professional support for just about anything you might need regarding our network or devices. You’ll get everything taken care of quickly and professionally, including printer hookups and desktop troubleshooting.
If your remote workers are having issues accessing the company network, you can call your IT team and request help. Much of the time, network issues can be resolved without having to send out a technician in person. This will keep your remote workers on task and productive.
2. Managed IT can save your business after a cyberattack
As cybercrime continues to rise, remote teams often become the weakest link in the chain of cybersecurity. You could have the best systems and tools in place, but if a remote worker makes one mistake – like downloading a keystroke logger – you could become compromised.
Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, and remote workers share a large portion of that responsibility. However, you can’t maintain full control over your remote employees. Many remote workers are embracing the nomad lifestyle
, which means using public, unsecured Wi-Fi often.
Although there are ways to make using public Wi-Fi more secure, someone is bound to make a mistake at some point, and you need to be prepared to manage the consequences.
While there are no guarantees, there are several ways a managed IT service can save your business if you fall victim to a cyberattack. This brings up the next benefit…
3. You’ll get professional backup and recovery services
Since remote workers can pose a big risk to your company, it’s critical to be prepared to restore lost data after an inevitable attack. This requires a detailed backup and restore plan.
Having data backups is essential for restoring your data after a system failure or cyberattack. However, having a professional recovery service is equally important. Both backing up and restoring data aren’t simple things you can do on a whim. It takes planning and coordination to ensure backups are comprehensive and stored in a manner that makes restoration easy.
A managed IT service can create all the backups you need and restore your data after an incident much better than you could on your own. There are different ways to back up data, and not all are equal.
For example, Kansas City Managed IT provides backup and restoration services to clients while considering each organization’s needs. There are different backup devices available, and which one is right will depend on how fast the company needs to get back up and running.
4. You’ll get cybersecurity training for your team
Some managed IT services will train your team to identify and avoid common cybersecurity attack attempts. Considering the prevalence of cybercrime, providing remote workers with cybersecurity training is essential in today’s world.
Remote workers are mostly susceptible to Man in the Middle attacks, connecting to phony Wi-Fi networks, and email threats. The first two threats are relatively easy to avoid with cybersecurity software, including using a VPN to encrypt traffic. However, email threats can be a little harder to avoid.
Although some email-centered attacks are easy to spot with common sense, like phishing attempts, the threat of DDoS attacks and SQL injections
still exists. Having a professional IT team educate your remote team on security protocols and precautions is the best way to avoid these devastating attacks.
5. You’ll have more efficient workflows
When someone’s workflow is interrupted by a technical glitch, their productivity will tank. Even the smallest glitch can be a major disruption, especially when that person is on deadline.
Having managed IT services means your tech glitches will be resolved quickly, reducing disruptions and maintaining productivity.
Consider managed IT to support your remote team
Overall, having managed IT services will support your remote workers, which will ultimately support your business. If you haven’t looked into these services yet, now is the perfect time.