PixDub Founder Dror Birzon, interviews with The Startup Magazine

PixDub is a mobile social application that allows you to interact with others by creating photo challenges, initiating photo conversations, and joining photo streams started by your friends and others in the community. Simply snap a picture to start a conversation/challenge, share it on Facebook/Twitter/other social networking sites, and watch for replies when friends get creative and add their own funny captions, speech bubbles, stickers, and other effects to your picture to give it their own personal ‘interpretation’.
With PixDub
you can:
• Start challenges and conversations by simply posting a picture
• Join Meme streams by adding your own funny captions, drawings, speech bubbles or stickers to pictures shared by the community
• Draw something on pictures
• Add funny stickers, captions and word balloons to photos
• Get hilarious and creative replies from friends and the community
• Search through existing photo streams to join
• Share pictures on your Facebook and Twitter accounts
• Interact with friends through posting pictures & receiving replies
Who is your startup aimed at?
Ages 13-40, mainly from Europe and US markets
How does your startup stand out against it’s competitors?
While there are countless photo sharing and editing apps out there, what makes PixDub interesting and different is the use of crowd-sourcing to transform photos together with friends. While other apps such as Instagram or even Facebook let you just comment on a photo, PixDub allows you to do a lot more – It is one of the only apps which lets you comment on a picture with visual tools and pictures to encourage creativity.
Where did the idea for the startup come from?
Both of the founders have relatives which migrated abroad and was using available solutions such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messanger, etc. to chat and keep in touch on a regular basis. We were looking for a solution that will make this interaction much more fun and interactive. This is how we came up with the idea for PixDub, which gives you the capability to create visual/photo interactions which is much more fun.
What is your business background, and what got you interested in startups?
Both Founders came from technology backgrounds and worked for startups for many years. Working closely with the founders of these startups inspired us to start something of our own and take a leading role of something new and exciting that is completely ours. We are really excited about this product and hope it will change the way people interact by making the standard chat feature that we are all used to something more fun and creative.
How long has the your startup been in the making, and who is the team behind the business?
Located in Tel Aviv, Israel, Moozli Applications, Ltd. was launched in 2013 and PixDub represents the company’s first offering. The mission of the firm’s co-founders, CEO Dror Birzon and CTO Shay Nagel, is to make PixDub the premiere interactive, entertaining and creative photo sharing platform that changes the way people interact.
What has been your biggest challenge so far as a startup owner?
The biggest challenge is finding people/partners/employees that will fit the company’s culture and will be willing to work hard to make this a success. In addition, getting traction that will allow us to get external investment is a challenge due to a competitive market which is lead by well funded companies which threatens the small startups that try to get a decent market share with limited budget.
In the coming year, what would you like to achieve with your business?
Our main goals in the coming year:
1. one million users
2. getting 600K investment to allow us to invest more in development and global reach
If you could give one piece of advice to someone thinking about starting a business, what would it be?
“Expect the best, Prepare for the worst”
If you have an idea that you believe in, do all you can to make it a reality and a big success, but on the road to achieve this, get ready for dismissals, rejections, delays, and more unexpected stuff that makes this experience tough but rewarding
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