Staffing / CareersTechnology

Modern Software Gives HR Departments a Vital Boost

HR departments of any size face a challenging task. When the business is small, each hire is crucially important. Larger companies also need the right teams in place and creating accurate job descriptions only gets harder when businesses have multiple departments or divisions. When modern software that focuses on competencies empowers HR departments, not only will businesses identify and hire the best personnel, but it’ll take less time, money, and energy to do so. Let’s learn more about what are competencies in this HR context and how your business could use this boost to your HR software tools.

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More About Competencies

Whereas a “skill” refers to a specific learned behaviour picked up over time, in HR terms, a “competency” refers to how a skill applies in the workplace. If you want a simpler way to think about it, if you add knowledge and abilities to skills, you get competencies.

When HR departments use HR software tools that place competencies as its organizing principle, all your talent-management processes will be unified and structured around this actionable and quantifiable concept.

Competencies in Job Descriptions

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How can a business truly know how a stranger will perform on the job? Modern HR software has a database of over 1,000 high-quality job descriptions that companies can use to vet job candidates, and the AI generator can also make new ones from scratch.

The software also makes it easy to include colleagues’ inputs, so it’s the best combination of automation and collaboration.  Once job descriptions are based on competencies, the interview process continues along the same lines.

Better Questions

Vetting a candidate by identifying their competencies requires follow-up questions, so modern HR software tools support businesses continually with its database of competency-based questions that demonstrate their experience in specific areas.

These behavioural interview questions ensure that the hiring process benefits from Artificial Intelligence and human instinct. Hiring is expensive

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, so do it correctly the first time.

Entire Careers Mapped

Job description software does a lot more than get the right workers into the door. Once there’s alignment between an employee’s competencies and those required for the job, progress is continually tracked along these lines.

As a result, businesses will have specific targets and metrics in mind when they tell their employees what they need to do for their next promotion. Everybody wins: the company has actionable targets that lead to success, while employees have reliable career mapping and stability.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to define how employees can thrive in precise terms. Using competencies as a basis can help businesses make objective decisions and proactively avoid accidentally perpetuating workplace discrimination

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Total transparency on which specific behaviours and skills employees need to demonstrate helps to close competency gaps and build stable careers for your entire team.

Modern technology like software and apps are revolutionizing some industries and even creating new ones. It’s about time that HR departments got a lift from new tech. Improve and streamline your core processes while giving your team structure and transparency using modern HR software tools that focus on competencies.
