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Loss Of Income And Road Accidents: The Truck Driver’s Guide

Recovering from an unfortunate accident can be extremely difficult for anyone. What about when your livelihood depends on being on the road? Unfortunately, a road accident is an everyday concern to fellow truckers, most who are entrepreneurs. And perhaps it’s happened to you. Leaving you with what may look like a bleak road ahead, we are here to guide you and inform you of your options.

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You may not realise it yet, but you very likely have legal recourse. There are specialist truck accident lawyers that can help you. There are steps that you can take to turn your situation around and get things back on track. First, let’s look at the circumstances and what they may mean for you, moving forward.

Your Mental Wellbeing

Every person has a tipping point. If you went through a terrible accident, those emotional scars could make it difficult, or impossible for you to get back behind the wheel. And when being behind the wheel is your bread and butter, that may leave you unfit for duty. There’s no shame in it, and anyone who tells you otherwise clearly hasn’t been through what you have.

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In this case, with the right legal representation, you can claim for full disability grants from your insurance, a responsible party, or the state, depending on the local law. This amount will consider your expenses. Compensation should aim to protect your way of life after the accident.

Your Physical Wellbeing

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If you have been in an accident that leaves you physically unable to get back behind the wheel, you are almost certainly covered in one way or another. With advice from a lawyer who specialises in these cases, you will be able to claim from the road accident fund and your insurance company.

These kinds of claims take into consideration your lost income, immediate and long term, as well as current and future medical costs relating to your injuries. If you have the right lawyer, you can live a decent quality of life despite not being able to work.

Short Term Loss of Income

It is not only a permanent loss of income that qualifies you to claim. Short term loss of income can also be requested, especially if the road accident was not your fault. In a case where you have been hospitalised, you are most likely due to your regular income. If recovery takes a couple of months, or perhaps even a year, things may become a bit tough to navigate.

Your insurance should provide you with some cover, but you may also be able to claim losses from the road accident fund or other parties. Remember, you have rights in cases of short term trauma as well. Should you face difficulty getting back on the road, and a psychologist picks up a diagnosis related to your road accident, you cannot by right be expected to suffer the losses.

Do not sign any agreements without your lawyer. If you receive an offer, it may be a small settlement compared to what you are entitled to. For the truck driver entrepreneur, being aware of these tips will help you avoid financial distress.
