A Guide to Starting a Career in Australia
Australia has a lot to offer in terms of job opportunities and economy in addition to a wonderful change of lifestyle where the outdoors can be enjoyed from the wonderful beaches. Between 2005 and 2010, over 100,000 people have moved to Australia from the United Kingdom alone and you need to consider why. The Australian immigration process is not the easiest. You need to tick a lot of boxes before you are considered eligible to move to this beautiful country. However, all of this effort is considered worthwhile when you look at the work opportunities, benefits, and lifestyle that are on offer.
The Work Opportunities
Australia is always looking for skilled workers who have a university degree in a service sector, IT or building. It is important to note that the country is actually one of the top 3 choices for migrants, skilled workers, and students who are looking to move to a new country regardless of their country of origin. Job opportunities in many other countries are not as freely available as they used to be. The decline in salary increased compared to inflation has dropped leading many families struggling to survive.
In Australia, you will not have to worry as competitive salaries are on offer without you needing to work all the time. This means it’s possible to get a job in Australia
quite easily. There is also a lot of room for growth in companies and a better balance between your work and personal life. Another fact that attracts people to Australia is the beautiful yet inexpensive housing, the high standard of living, the social system and the civil school system.
There are many skills that Australia is always in need of. This will include qualified accountants, nurses, bricklayers, carpenters, lawyers, IT programmers, teachers and those in mining. To determine if you have the skills to move to Australia, you can use the Skillset process online. Once you have filled in all of the necessary documents, an Australian employee will contact you to discuss your move to the country.
The Economy
In 2011 Australia was the 13th largest national economy. The average middle-aged couple in the country has a net worth that was similar to the wealthiest people in the world and the unemployment rate was at 5%. The largest economic contributors in the country were the education, tourism, and financial sectors.
When you are looking to move to Australia, you need to consider the area that you move to. This is due to the fact that certain skills are needed more in certain areas. Before making any decisions, you need to look at what each area is looking for and how this related to your skill sector.
The Working Benefits
When you move to Australia, the first working benefit that you are going to enjoy is the potential for career development
. Australia has a strong business culture which believes in the advancement of staff within a company through the offering of job opportunities to good employees and help to those who struggle. This is not a country where you are going to find yourself stagnating in a job.

Source: Flickr
Another benefit is the Australian belief in a proper work-life balance. This is a major benefit for anyone bringing their family with them to the country. You will find that in other countries, you will be working long hours to afford to survive with many companies offer hourly wages where you need to clock in more hours to make a living wage.
In Australia, you will find a very pleasant balance. You will be able to earn a good income, spend time with your family and live comfortably.
The final working benefit that you need to know about is the competitive salary. Australian companies believe that they should look after their employees and this means paying a good salary. This will enable you to live comfortably without worrying.