How Entrepreneurs Can Stay Positive When Facing Adversity
Being an entrepreneur is a constant challenge and strain. The ups and downs, and the thrills and defeats all contribute to stress and strain on our bodies and emotions. With hope and optimism two of entrepreneurs’ most important traits, it’s sometimes difficult the maintain one’s focus and positive attitude. Adversity is what we sign up for. How we deal with the consequences determines our chances of success.
Adversity and Stress
Stress is a natural consequence of the volatile world of an entrepreneur. There is good stress and bad stress. They both evolve from our intrinsic high expectations for success. The good stress helps us focus, push ourselves, and grow. The good stress is what makes running a business fun.
Bad stress decreases our confidence and motivation. It makes us worry about our problems rather than help drive us to find solutions. Bad stress results in physical and emotional strain which ultimately can have serious health consequences. And, at a minimum, it will make us sad and have a negative attitude that comes out in the workplace and affects our coworkers. Fear and worry
cloud our positive attitude and ultimately reduce our chances of business success.
Maintaining a Positive Attitude
There are many resources to learn more about dealing with our stress as entrepreneurs. One helpful guide was put together by SiMPLY Education. It highlights some tips exercises that will help you navigate the bad stress we experience, and help us prevent its negative effects. Take a look at how these suggestions can reduce your stress, improve your workplace, and increase your chance of entrepreneurial success.
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