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Common Workplace Injuries Employers Need to Be Aware Of

Employers have a responsibility to be aware of some of the most common workplace injuries and ensure policies are in place to prevent them.

workplace injuries

Up to 5,000 workers get killed each year in the workplace. You are responsible for the safety of your workplace as an employer. Of course, you cannot prevent every workplace injury, accidents happen sometimes. That’s why it’s important to focus on the most common workplace injuries. You need to encourage an environment that promotes health and safety at work.

This isn’t just to prevent injuries. You also need to protect yourself against claims when things go wrong. 

You may be reluctant to spend money on safety procedures. But, this will save you money overall in the long-term and protect your workers. Let’s check out the most common workplace injuries below. Let’s get started!

1. Slips and Falls

Slips and falls are particularly common accidents. This is simply when a worker slips on wet flooring or on an item which causes them to fall over. There are many harmful consequences of slipping and falling in the workplace. The worker could hurt themselves by hitting their heads or breaking their necks. There are many simple and easy actions you can take to reduce the risk of slips and falls in the workplace.

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For example, when there has been a spillage, clean it up and display a “wet floor” sign nearby. 

What else can you do? You can install handrails around stairways and ask workers to wear non-stick soles to avoid accidents. If you don’t make the essential safety changes to your workplace, you may receive a phone call from this type of attorney

2. Back or Neck Ache

Over the past 13 years, the number of computer-related injuries has increased by up to 732 percent. More and more of us spend time behind a desk at a computer. Therefore, back and neck strains and aches are especially common in office workplace environments. When you spend the entire sitting at your desk and looking at a screen, you’re at risk of developing a back or neck injury. And yet, this doesn’t need the case. You can ensure that your office encourages the right health and safety procedures when operating a computer.

Your staff should have access to desktop computer screens and appropriate office chairs. Support your workers with information about how to avoid back and neck strains at work. However, back and neck strains could also be caused by picking up a box during delivery. Make sure your workers become trained in the right procedure to avoid unnecessary accidents like this.

3. Repetitive Use Injury

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You’d be surprised what can cause a workplace injury. Many common workplace injuries occur due to seemingly safe but repetitive actions. Typing on a computer, performing administrative tasks or picking in a factory could also cause workers to develop injuries at work. When performing the same movements day in day out without suitable ergonomics and recovery, workers could be at high risk of harm. You can help make your workplace safer by introducing regularly scheduled breaks, appropriate workstations, and frequent health checks. 

4. Falling Objects From Above 

Look up! You never know when an object is about to fall from above on one of your workers. This can cause a lot of harm if it falls on them. Even when you place a book on the edge of the bookcase, this could hurt anyone below if it lands on top of their head. If you don’t keep your workplace organized and safe, you increase the risk of hazards everywhere. Ensure that your workers know how to keep items, such as office supplies organized in the right place. This can reduce the risk of items falling into people.

5. Lacerations and Cuts 

There are many types of common cuts and lacerations that can happen in the workplace. From opening a letter to the sharp edge of a machine, you never know. You can help to reduce cuts and lacerations among your workforce with a number of simple measures. These include promoting the proper use of tools and machines and providing safety training. If any machines or furniture get damaged with sharp edges exposed, you need to fix these before they become hazards. 

6. Crashes and Collisions

Do have vehicles or mobile machinery in your workplace? This could cause crashes or collisions which injury your employees. There are many potential collisions. If other workers don’t know when an employee is operating a forklift truck, this could result in injuries. You need to ensure that the drivers you employ are responsible and trained to operate the vehicle. Ensure that health and drug testing is also a mandatory feature of your workplace. If you have workers who drive on the road in vehicles, you need to ensure that they get encouraged to take a break from driving to prevent tiredness.

7. Harm From Chemicals and Fumes 

There are potential health risks involved with chemicals and fumes. Even basic cleaning products can cause injury if inhaled or consumed. There are many long-term consequences of harmful chemicals, such as the development of emphysema or cancer. There is also a risk of “sick building syndrome.” This refers to when a company operates in a “chemical stew” whereby the building has poor ventilation and stale air. You need to ensure that safety equipment, such as goggles and face masks are used when handling chemicals. Also, supporting your workers to take breaks and open a window can help to reduce risk. 

8. Loud Noise Pollution

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Noise pollution doesn’t only occur on the street. There are many loud noises which can get generated from industry and machines. If your workplace produces a lot of noise, it’s important to ensure that your workers are not harmed as a result. Exposure to loud noises can cause hearing issues in both the short and long-term. Therefore, you need to provide employees with earplugs and put on necessary training to alert staff of the dangers.

You cannot avoid every injury in the workplace. However, you need to know about common workplace injuries. This can help you to protect yourself against legal charges and look after your employees. If you want to discover more business advice, check out our website!