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5 Ways to Get New Criminal Defense Clients for Your Law Firm

When it comes to a law firm, it is all about building the right image and communicating the best message. Most criminal defense law firms do little in terms of marketing their brand. They fail to think that their law firm is the business and their years of practice are the product. With so much competition all around, criminal defense law firms need to reach their target audiences in convincing ways. Leading experts suggest that it is high time law firms start investing in building a positive and authoritative law firm brand image for themselves.

In this resource article, we are going to look at five important ways, law firms can get more criminal defense clients for themselves. However, before we begin, let us first look at how digital or online marketing is one of the best mediums or platforms that law firms should look at following.

Digital Marketing for Law Firms: Is it the Correct Strategy?

Ask any lawyer or law firm that has been in the field for 20+ years just one simple question-

How did you get your clients pre-2015? The answer would be referrals!

Law firms were one of the last business entities that adapted to digital platforms and solutions. You would be surprised to know that thousands of people are looking for criminal defense attorneys online as we speak.

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According to data, more than 100,000 searches are happening for the keyword’ criminal defense lawyer’ every month. Ask yourself how many of these clicks is your law firm getting. For more information on this, visit website.

Digital means having a fully functional website, engagement through PPC ads, maintaining a social media presence, and pursuing digital strategies to build the law firm brand image.

Just doing digital marketing for the sake of it is not going to help you with definite results. You need to work with the best agencies to see major differences in your performance.

List of 5 Ways to get New Criminal Defense Clients for your Law Firm

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1. Create an Authoritative Brand Website-

You need to remember that you are not going to physically be present to explain your practice or expertise at all times. This is the function of your law firm website. Ensure that you are creating and investing in a stellar and attractive website that showcases your-

  • Skill, expertise, and several years of experience.
  • Contact locations, addresses, emails, and numbers.
  • Success rates, case studies, and resource materials.
  • Lists out all the law areas that your law firm specializes in.
  • Has videos and images of you and your partners at the firm
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This will help build an authoritative aura around your law firm and convince customers about your expertise as a top-notch criminal defense law firm.

2. Pursue Long-Term Law Firm SEO

Digital marketing experts think that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the best strategies to follow for law firms. Pursuing SEO helps law firms rank on Google search results. The higher you rank on search, the more chances of getting clicks.

There are skilled agencies that help law firms with SEO. This is done through publishing informative articles on behalf of the law firm on authority sites and driving traffic and audiences from that website to the law firm’s website. This also helps boost metrics and rankings to help law firm brand image.

3. Focus on a High-Performance Google My Business Page-

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In recent years, Google My Business or GMB has emerged as a very important digital platform for promoting local search. As a law firm, you should always be on the lookout for boosting local footfalls and queries. Having a complete and informative GMB page helps immensely.

The following are some elements that your GMB page should have-

  • Address and contact numbers
  • Images, videos, and other media of your firm
  • As many positive reviews about your law firm
  • 100+ 5-Star ratings for your Law Firm
  • Service information and timings of your firm
  • Website and Social Media URLs

A complete, active and verified GMB page will go a long way in helping a law firm get clients.

4. Maintain a Presence on Online Directories-

In the last few years, online directories have emerged as mini search engines that offer targeted results to users. Platforms like Yelp register millions of searches every single day. Maintaining a presence on these directories exhibits authority and increases reach and presence.

For maw firms, aggregator websites like Find Law, All Law, and Lawyers Inventory are important when it comes to maintaining a presence. These directories allow you to create a profile very similar to social media platforms. There is a definite vetting process involved. This helps build brand credibility and allows better SEO metrics.

5. Video Marketing on Important Law Questions-

There are very few greater ways to build law firm brand image, credibility and authenticity for law firms than through video marketing. Law firms need to create as many videos and post them on YouTube and other social media platforms for increased reach.

Another newer strategy that a lot of experts recommend is holding as many webinars as possible. If possible, have live interactive sessions with audiences and try to answer their queries and issues as much as possible. This will help build credibility and establish your dominance and authority in the field.

The Bottom Line

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If you are running a law firm, following the above strategies can help you get more criminal defense clients. Lawyers

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need to realize that digital marketing and platforms are the way forward to reach clients. Traditional marketing is no longer the best strategy to pursue.

Referrals will continue to happen, but if you are looking for real performance, you need to work with an expert agency to put your law firm into overdrive and launch its law firm brand image.
