
5 Things All Successful Startups Have In Common

When you look towards the successful startups, you notice that they all have the same things in common. There is a theme that runs throughout businesses. They all harness similar techniques and they are all driven by similar practices.

It all begins with the founders themselves. They have a goal and a vision. This is put into practice with proven techniques that equate to success. You can bear these things in mind when working on your own company. Some of them can be implemented to an existing business. Some must simply come from within you, the founder.

Successful businessmen tend to have the same attributes. They are hard working, ambitious and passionate. When you look at their businesses, those qualities are reflected. Without further ado, here are the common themes among successful startups.

  1. Passion

Unless you have a burning desire inside of you, it’s often difficult to get a startup off the ground. There is nothing more powerful than the raging fire inside to fuel your company. Getting a startup off the ground requires hours and hours of sheer hard work. For months, if not years, you will see little or no return. It takes true passion to keep you going in these situations. When you are looking for investment, nothing convinces people more than the passion in your eyes. If you’ve got passion, you’ll run a great startup.

  1. They value customers

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As a startup, you are only as strong as the customers or clients you have. They are lifeforce of your business. Great startups know this and value their customers and user base. They open up a dialogue with them. Salesforce administrator training can help you learn how to communicate effectively. Monitor your customers closely and watch how they use your service or product. The best startups adapt to the needs of their users. Most importantly, they provide impeccable customer service. Startups thrive through word of mouth. This all starts with your customers.

  1. They don’t try to do too much

The most successful startups have a very niche function. They have found a tiny gap in the market and exposed it. There is no room for the jack-of-all-trades in the world of startups. Sure, you can grow the business in the way that Google and Apple have. However, they both started with a very simple service. Facebook, Flickr, Snapchat and Whatsapp are all great examples of this too.

  1. They foster a great working environment

The best startups find only the most passionate and excited employees. They hunt down the very best and then treat them well. They make them feel part of something bigger and lead with inspiration. This is what makes big ideas happen. This is what turns the idea in your head into a multi million dollar business.

  1. They make mistakes

Mark Zuckerberg famously said: “Unless you are breaking stuff, you’re not moving fast enough.” Startups always make mistakes. They learn by doing things wrong and grow stronger because of it. Don’t be afraid to jump into the unknown. If you get it wrong, just try again.

So long as you have the passion and drive, everything else can be learnt. You can integrate the rest of these tips into your startup right now. Learn from the big success stories and follow in their footsteps.

Tom McShane

Tom McShane is a contributing writer for The Startup Magazine