Staffing / Careers

3 Ways To Attract The Right Employees

Running a successful business can’t always be done alone, and at some point, you might make the decision to hire people to help you and to ensure that your business can truly grow. Hiring is a big decision, and not one that should ever be taken lightly. It is crucial that you attract the right people to your business so that you can be confident that they will do the job you want them to do and build the reputation that you have spent a long time cultivating. Here are some ways hiring the right employees can be done.


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Source: Pexels

Don’t Wait For Them

You could post up a job ad online or perhaps even in a shop window. You could then wait for candidates to contact you and apply. That is the traditional way of doing things, and it will get you some results. However, if you want to attract the right people, it might be a better idea to go to them instead and not wait for them to come to you.

Social media is the best way to do this. You can use targeted Facebook ads to put your job advertisement in front of the people who you feel are most suited to the role. This might be in terms of location, their likes, and dislikes, their current career, or anything else. That way, the people who apply are more likely to be good candidates.

Make sure you include what the job entails, how much you are paying, the working hours expected, and what experience and qualifications are required in the advert otherwise even those who would be perfect might not bother to apply.

Carry Out A Good Interview

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Once you have read through the CVs presented to you, and looked at the cover letters attached, you will need to interview the shortlisted applicants. If there is no cover letter, then this might be something to take into account. With great cover letter examples to look at

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, there is no excuse not to include one, and it could show laziness or a disregard for the position from the start.

The interview is the ideal place for you to get to know the potential employees better and to understand what they can bring to your business. But it is also the place where the applicant can decide whether they want to work for you or not. Therefore, you need to carry out a good interview. You need to be confident and to know about your company. You will need to be understanding too. Plus you’ll need to get on well together.

Your Reputation Is Key

If you have a good reputation, then people will want to work for you. If you can show that you are a good boss and that the working culture within your business is a healthy, happy one, that you pay your staff fairly, and that the work-life balance is always considered, then you will have people applying for jobs with you even if there are no jobs to give them.

This will mean that you can keep their information on file (with their permission) and when a job does come up, you can contact the candidates right away, saving you from having to advertise when you are hiring.
