
Using iCloud for Business: This is What You Need to Know

There are certain things you should know about using iCloud for business purposes. Did you know that the United States has over 30.2 million small businesses? Without proper innovation, you could drown and go bankrupt with such a tight competition.

If you’re a business looking to expand, using iCloud can be a worthwhile investment. It allows you to have a paperless storage system for your files. But without technical expertise, you might find not feel like using it because it sounds complex.

Don’t get discouraged yet.

iCloud for business

We put together a guide on how to use iCloud for business plans. It’s easy to follow, even if you’re a beginner. Read on and learn the benefits of iCloud for the growth of your enterprise.

What is iCloud? And why use it for business ventures?

The purpose of iCloud is to store, sync, and back-up data from various devices. This includes iPads, iPhones, iTouches, Macs, and PCs. Devices with iOS5 above automatically connect with the iCloud.

That means they can use 200 new features. The service allows Apple users to access photos, documents, calendars, contacts, and other data from any device. The only prerequisite is for the device to have a wi-fi or ethernet connection.

iCloud is free, as long as you’re only using 5GB of allocated disk space. If you’re looking to expand this, pay an additional $20 for 10GB, $40 for 20GB, and $100 for 50GB. For business owners looking to capitalize on the iCloud, it’s certainly a requirement.

But the new features with this service makes it more attractive to small businesses. Newsstand is a good feature since it could organize your subscriptions, whether it’s magazines or newspapers. The Reminders feature makes to-do lists more convenient since you can set due dates for deliverables, and you can adjust them depending on location.

AirPlay Mirroring using the iPad 2 is great for business presentations. This uses video mirroring, allowing you to stream content to HDTVs. You can use the Apple TV and your Wi-Fi connection to help deliver these presentations.

Benefits of iCloud to Your Business

Now that you know what iCloud is, here are ways for it to benefit your business. It matters not how big your business is. If you want a consolidated data repository, this choice is for you.

1. iCloud Makes Syncing and Sharing Data Easier

This is the foremost advantage that the iCloud services offer. This service ensures that everyone in your business can sync data regardless of type. Whether it’s notes, messages, images, media files, or others, the iCloud enables users to do the syncing at the same time.

Users can share data on various devices, even if they work from great distances. It benefits your business since it’s easier to share data by having universal storage. The data remains consistent across all devices since the iCloud takes care of it for you

With iCloud taking care of syncing and sharing data, it makes business days easier. The ability to access documents and other data from any authorized device makes work faster and stress-free. Using iCloud for business increases productivity among employees since they’re more motivated.

2. iCloud Cuts Down Risk of Losing Data

Businesses and individuals alike are at risk of losing precious data. It happens because of data corruption, and any device is vulnerable. The bigger your business, the risk increases since the bulk of your data is vital to your operations.

That’s why businesses need a solid data backup system. With this in place, they can keep their data without worrying about possible loss. iCloud is a reliable source since it can make back-ups of their data and get it whenever necessary.

3. iCloud Makes Remote Work Possible

If your business aims to give full freedom to employees to work remotely from any location, iCloud is an important component. It enables full employee integration, allowing them to upload and retrieve work information. As a manager, you can track each employee’s status and the work they’re doing.

The service is safe and you can set specific individuals to manage the iCloud. You can set privileges and the extent of their authority to upload, manipulate, and view your data. It’s perfect since you can scale it up as your business grows.

4. iCloud Has High Storage Capacity

Adding more storage space to your iCloud is easy since all you need is to pay an annual fee. It’s based on the amount of additional storage you availed. For big companies, it’s a blessing since they can have up to 2TB maximum storage space.

This is huge since even most high-tier laptops only have 1TB of available storage space. With this amount of space, you can store hundreds of thousands of files. Even full-length video clips at 4k quality will only take up a tiny fraction of your allocated space.

Benefits of iCloud Email

A feature of the iCloud is the email service. It offers a lot of benefits if you want your business to become more professional. If you’re convinced of its potential, you can learn how to set up your iCloud email and get started now.

1. More Secure With Two-Factor Authentication

Business emails often have confidential items that aren’t suitable for people outside your company. A good way to protect them against intrusions is the two-factor authentication feature. Your iCloud business account has a different authentication process compared to other Apple devices.

When someone logs in to your iCloud email, your phone gets an alert along with a code. The person logging in should enter the code. If they don’t, the system denies the login since it might be a malicious attempt.

2. Helps Avoid Spam Emails

You can make an alias that sends and receives emails using another address with your iCloud email address. The system sends and receives the email using your initial iCloud account. Check the iCloud email preferences and pick the add an alias option, which allows you to add up to 3 aliases per account.

You can use an alias that will receive all spam emails. That makes your initial email less cluttered.

Use iCloud for Business Today

These are the benefits of iCloud for business. If your business needs to expand, this service is for you.

It takes away a lot of the hassle of using physical hardware, it allows for remote work, and you get to keep data safe and available at all times!
