
How To Unplug While Staying Online


Life these days can feel as though it’s spent entirely online, can’t it? From Zoom calls to endless scrolling and everything in between, the digital world definitely has a way of pulling us in and keeping us there. But what if you could unplug mentally even while you were still using the internet and being online? It might sound like a contradiction, or perhaps it even sounds impossible, but it’s really all about how you use your screen time. 

In other words, rather than let technology overwhelm you, you can make it work for you instead – and that can be perfect if you use these screen time tips. If you’re a bit more mindful about how you spend your time online, you can relax, recharge, and even feel like you’ve had a bit of a break without actually ever logging off or powering down. With that in mind, here are some easy ways to unplug while staying online. 

screen time tips

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich

Play Games 

What do you think of when you think of online games? A lot of noise and stress and tension, perhaps? Well, that can be the case, but it definitely doesn’t have to be. The truth is that gaming doesn’t have to mean intense battles or high-pressure situations because some games are actually designed to soothe, distract, and help you unwind. Think along the lines of puzzles, word games, or timeless classics like spider solitaire – that can be the ideal place to start if you’re not sure what games are going to help you, in fact. 

In reality, with online spider solitaire (as a good example) you’re not rushing against a timer or competing with others – it’s just you, the digital cards, and a little quiet focus. That’s why this particular game is such a great balance of fun and relaxation, and even though you’re technically still online, you can essentially unplug from your stress and troubles for a little while. And the fact that you can play it on any device makes it even better because you’ll always have it (or a similar game) with you, whether it’s at your desk at work or in your pocket at any time of the day. 

Stream The Right Thing 

Streaming is everywhere these days and for everything – or so it seems. If you want to watch TV or a movie, you can stream it. You can stream music. You can stream podcasts. You can stream anything you want (sometimes for free, sometimes with a small cost involved). But did you know that there’s a difference between streaming anything and streaming the right thing? And did you know that when you stream the right thing, it can help you unplug? 

Once you know that, you’ll realise that not all streaming needs to be about bingeing the latest drama or catching up on reality TV because there’s actually a whole world of calming, inspiring, and soul-soothing content waiting for you online – it’s just that you’ve not quite found it yet. So, rather than watching the latest boring TV or a movie you’re just not into, try watching videos of beautiful landscapes, guided meditations, or even those oddly satisfying clips of people making pottery or organizing their pantries (you know the ones – you’ve probably scrolled past them before without thinking they might be just what you need).

You could also explore nature documentaries or ASMR videos if that’s your thing, and they can be very relaxing. In the end, these types of streams can help you feel like you’ve hit the reset button, even if it’s just for a few minutes, and that can be enough to help you get on with your day in the right way. 

Take A Virtual Tour 

Travelling is such a wonderful thing to do, but it’s not always something that’s open to you – it might be out of your budget right now, or perhaps it’s just not the right time. It could even be that you are already going to go somewhere later in the year, so you can’t go anywhere else in the meantime. Whatever it is, don’t worry – just because you can’t physically go somewhere it doesn’t mean you can’t see what it’s like and experience it through your screen (and although that might not be quite the same thing, it’s definitely better than nothing and it could be an ideal way to unplug and enjoy the process. 

Once you start looking, you’ll see that the internet is packed with virtual tours of museums, landmarks, and natural wonders from around the world, which means you can travel anywhere and see anything from the comfort of your own home. So if you want to escape, even if it’s just for a few minutes, where better to do it than some of the most exciting and awe-inspiring landmarks around the world? You might learn something, and at the very least, it’ll be an adventure. 

Learn Something New 

Sometimes the best way to use these screen time tips and unplug from your usual routine is to dive into something completely new – it’s going to get your brain working well (and anything that keeps your brain busy is good – studies have shown that an active brain might be able to stave off cognitive decline in later years, for example) and on top of that, it’ll be interesting, so what’s not to love about the idea? Whether it’s learning a language, picking up a new skill, or exploring a topic you’ve always been curious about, the internet is a treasure trove of resources so you’re definitely going to be able to find what you’re looking for – even if you don’t quite know what that is yet. 

To start with, you could sign up for a short course that talks about something you’re fascinated with (and remember, just because you’re learning, it doesn’t have to be a topic that’s going to mean you can start a new business or boost your career and so on – sometimes learning just for fun without any pressure to use your new knowledge for monetary gain is better because you can just enjoy it without any stress). Then you could watch tutorial videos, or download an app to guide you.

The focus you need to learn something fresh can be a great way to block out distractions and it’ll feel like you’re stepping out of your usual online habits, and that’s exactly the kind of feeling you’ll be looking for if you want to unplug while staying online. 

Create An Online Mood Board 

What is a mood board? It’s basically a visual tool – sometimes literally a board – that you can use to note down ideas, feelings, inspiration, and so on. You can use it if you’re doing a project, but you can also use it if you just want to express your feelings – it’s like therapy but without the expertise of a therapist (in other words, it’s a good start, but for some, it might not be enough – if you need a bit of extra help, don’t be afraid to ask for it).

So that’s what a mood board is, and it’s a good way to relieve tension and unwind – so why not create an online version? Platforms like Pinterest are perfect for coming up with your own mood board and adding whatever it is you want to it – you could start nice and simply by including things that make you happy, whatever they happen to be, and move on from there (or just keep doing that – if it works, that’s perfect).

The point is there’s just something really calming about scrolling through a feed filled with things that bring you joy, and if you’re in a low mood or you just need a bit of a break, taking a look and adding some more can be an ideal game to play.
