Top 7 Secrets to Healthier Office Life
If you’ve ever come home from the office with an aching back, tired eyes, or tense muscles, you’ve probably considered the toll that office life is taking on your body. Perhaps you decided that more daily exercise is necessary, or considered a short-term solution like taking a vacation, but this would not change the root of the problem. Although health problems associated with office life are incredibly common and widespread, there are ways to fight back and stay healthy. Finding the right office and making your stay in the office healthy should be no problem with a few adjustments. We have gathered a few tips that should help create a healthy office by incorporating wellness and fitness.

Drink plenty of water
Health authorities recommend drinking at least half a gallon of water per day. You should listen to your body’s needs and drink even more, if you feel it is necessary. Headaches are a common symptom of dehydration, so you should not always associate them with stress, and grab a glass whenever you are thirsty or feel a headache coming on.
Try to get a breath of fresh air on your breaks
Fresh air is important for alertness. Sometimes creating a healthy office means getting out of the office. Even if your office is located on a busy city street with lots of cars passing through, the fresh air is still a big contrast to stagnant and dry air that often accumulates in office buildings. You can use a maid service to keep your office clean, which will reduce air quality problems. If you do not have the option to step outside without disrupting your workflow, you can often still open windows in the room to get a breeze going through.
Eat healthy
Though it may be tempting to join your colleagues in a group order to a local fast food joint, those extra calories won’t burn themselves. However, preparing your own home-cooked meal will make your lunch both more healthy and delicious. An added bonus is the relatively low cost of home-cooked meals as opposed to ordering out.
Try to squeeze in some exercise
Sitting around all day without exercise (bathroom breaks excluded) is not good for your back, but this can be remedied. Ideally, you could find time in the middle of your shift to hit the gym, or take a turn at any gym equipment around in the office. If these options are not available,you can always do some simple bodyweight exercises and stretches to get the blood pumping.
Don’t get completely absorbed in your work
Even if you have the most interesting job in the world, it is important to take breaks for some “me” time. What you spend the time on is up to you, as long as it breaks your focus on the work and lets your mind wander and feel happy. For example, you can go for a cup of coffee, chat up a nearby colleague, view some photos on social media.
Try a power nap
If you have the opportunity to rest between assignments or in the middle of your shift, you can try a powernap. Not only will your eyes get some rest from the computer screen, but you should wake up feeling energised and ready to tackle new challenges.
Keep a stress-relief object at your desk
Whenever stress creeps up on you, it is important to channel it out of the body, or it will quickly affect your day and cause bigger issues in the long run. Even something as simple as taking out your stress on a squishy desk toy can lighten your mood and seep away frustration.
A healthy office is relatively easy to create. It’s benefits are enormous, which makes it worth the effort.