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Matchmaking Made Easy: Find Friends and Fall in Love Minus the Effort

Looking for that special someone, but tired of trawling through countless options and wasting time on witty email exchanges? Want to broaden your social circle, but strapped for time and don’t know where to start?

These two startups do all the hard work for you, bringing perfect potential mates – of both varieties – direct to your screen. Whether you’re in the market for a life-long partner or a new bestie to banter with, sit back, relax, and let these innovative services search, select, and make the first move…


After filling out your profile, Once–a fuss-free dating app–takes your fate firmly into its own hands.

Its specialist team of human matchmakers approach romance the old-fashioned way, leaving algorithms aside and using their personal skills and experience to hand-pick your potential partners.

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In other words, they do all the legwork for you, and by looking beyond compatible data and analytics, they can strike gold with matches that machine-powered apps might easily have missed.

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Profiles with the “wow” factor are sent to you “once” per day, you see each other at the same time, and you have a strict 24 hours to make your move.

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If you successfully beat the clock and connect, then it’s full-steam ahead on the dating front; if not, then you’re quickly free to move on – the twenty-four countdown means there’s no time to mess around, saving you precious hours of waiting and wondering in the process.

Plus, whether it’s a hit or a miss, the rest of the world remains none the wiser, as only your suggested match can see your profile. From time to energy to reputation, there really is nothing to lose.


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Unlike Once, Plum, which stands for “People Like You and Me”, uses the latest developments in machine learning to match you with like-minded people around the world.

Whatever your age, whatever your interests, making new friends can be a laborious and often awkward process.

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Plum makes it easy to find the right crowd, plugging seamlessly into your browser and using your online behaviour to automatically connect you with people you’re bound to click with.

Whether it’s favourite websites or shared offline passions, live-chat on pages you visit with users you’d love to meet, and join conversations that count in groups based around interests you love.

With the motto, “it’s what we have in common,” never be bored while browsing again. Simply sign-up and as if by magic, Plum’s unique software turns the whole web experience into an enjoyable conversation, with a brand new community of people just like you.

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