
Keeping Up With Google: Key SEO Changes You Need to Be Aware Of

Google is the place where SEO dreams come alive. Any business, irrespective of their industry can rise to the dizzy heights of number one. Google, it seems, is the overlord that needs to be appeased. Of course, you can ignore its almighty power. But, do so at your detriment.

Are you scared yet? Well, you shouldn’t be. Getting to grips with Google is much like taming a lion. Once you know how it works, it’s akin to cuddling a small house cat.

When it comes to getting your website and content ranked, you need to make sure that you are adhering to the rules. Yes, Google will change its rules. So, you need to ensure that you are adhering to a new set of rules. It can be exhausting, but it can also generate massive rewards.

SEO is what we are talking about. Search engine optimisation. How can you appease the gods of Google using SEO? And, what changes do you need to be aware of to ensure that you remain compliant in the face of Google’s ever changing rules.

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Beware, the Keywords!

Finding the right keywords is essential for SEO success. Keyword tracking can prove to be a useful tool in your arsenal. According to, keyword tracking is one of the best ways of making sure that your SEO campaigns are relevant. Relevancy is everything, you see. By tracking keywords, you can ensure that you are targeting the right people. The right people will buy your services and products, after all. You can define keywords by location or country. Simply make sure that you are tracking your keywords for maximum success. If you don’t, you may have a campaign that fails. You may stop generating leads. All of this can affect sales and profitability. Now can you see how important SEO is? It’s time to make sure that you are implementing the right keywords for the right audience.

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Local SEO: It’s Not a Myth

Every business, irrespective of how long it has been established, will have an SEO strategy in place. But, are you optimising your site for local SEO in 2015? If not, why not? 50% of mobile users now search according to location. You need to ensure that you are ranking in local search as a matter of importance. Lest, of course, you want to face losing customers and profit. With mobile technology taking over, it’s vital that you are optimising your site for local SEO. It’s becoming more commonplace than ever before.

Cultivating Relationships

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SEO, by in large, has depended on the need for links. While links are still an important part of SEO, 2015 is the year of the relationship. How are you cultivating your online relationships? Do you have a brand that has an incredible rapport with its customers? Or, do you merely grunt at them in passing when talking in an online capacity. Make sure that you are creating kick ass content. Reach out to your clients on social media. Ensure that you schmoozing brand advocates. Rub shoulders with influential bloggers. You need to make sure that you are not only cultivating your relationships with customers, but also relationships in the online world.


Tom McShane

Tom McShane is a contributing writer for The Startup Magazine