Job Accidents: What to Do When an Employee Crashes the Company Car
If an employee crashes the company car, there are certain things that should be done. Most car accidents are already complicated legal affairs. One driver has to be found at fault, the damage needs to be investigated, and compensation rewarded. Even a fairly standard accident can take weeks or months to unravel.
Things became even more complicated in the event of job accidents.
What happens when an employed person gets into an accident on company time? Many people don’t understand how responsibility and liability are handled in such a situation. But they should: car accidents are one of
of work-related injuries.
If you have an employee has gotten into an accident, it’s important that you take the proper steps to make the best of the situation. Read on and we’ll walk you through what you need to know.
When Is An Employer Liable?
The average person might have a number of questions about liability when it comes to on-the-job accidents. Under the doctrine of vicarious liability, employers can be found guilty if the employee’s actions were conducted within the scope of their employment.
If the employee performed the actions that led to the accident while performing tasks for the employer, an employer can indeed be found viable.
In most cases, a company will have insurance that covers damages that have affected a third party in the accident. This third party is often another driver, but can also be pedestrians or property owners. These damages might include automobile repair, medical bills, and fees for the pain and suffering of the victim.
When Is An Employer Not Liable?
There are some situations where an employer is not liable for an employee’s accident. For example, an accident an employee gets into while commuting to or from work is often not considered an employer’s responsibility.
This is true even if an employee is commuting in a work vehicle.
Similarly, if an employee gets into an accident while performing actions not related to their job duties, an employer need not cover the damages for the accident.
Following An Employee Accident
When an employee gets into an accident when on the job, it’s important to take the proper steps. As with any car accident, they should make sure to stay at the scene of the accident and gather as much evidence as possible.
Your employee should get the name and information of the third party who has been affected. They should take pictures of the accident and document damage done.
Your employee should avoid taking the blame for the accident, as this can later be used in a court of law against you. Simply have them wait for the police to come and file a report. After an accident, you can hire an attorney who is able to evaluate the evidence and help you and your business through the legal process.
Dealing With On The Job Accidents
No one wants to have to deal with an accident, especially when you have so many other business matters taking your attention. But it does happen, and it’s important to know how to handle job accidents for this reason.