Jason Vanclef Discusses His Business Model
Jason Vanclef is the CEO of Vanclef Financial Group, Inc. His company is dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals. Vanclef understands that many people have difficulty managing their financial interests, and through his work with the Vanclef Financial Group, he hopes to offer valuable resources and quality information.
Vanclef began his career in criminal justice. He believed strongly in the power of the system to protect citizens from bad actors and fraud. He soon carried his ideals into the finance industry. In 2002, he founded the Vanclef Financial Group, becoming an independent advisor.
Vanclef believes that anyone can succeed financially if they have the right tools. He aspires to help all of his clients with the information they need to make sound financial decisions. He can guide a client’s choice of portfolio and help them match their money to their retirement goals. He helps them manage all of their assets, including retirement accounts and stock holdings.
is a good example of business executives with a deep interest in the welfare of their clients. His businesses success is directly tied to the success of his clients, and he devotes his time and energy toward helping them potentially realize their dreams.
How would you describe your business model?
At Vanclef Financial Group, we profit from our clients’ success. Our business model involves taking a client’s financial accounts and attempting to maximize their cash flow and their future security. Our clients trust in us to help them manage their money. It can be challenging to navigate the various potential investment choices and we honor our clients’ trust by doing our best managing their wealth.
Why did you decide to become a financial advisor?
When I was working in criminal justice, I quickly came to realize that my true interests were in finance. I had been managing my own finances for some time, and some colleagues and friends asked me for help with their money. I was able to give them some friendly pointers and push them toward a more solid position in the markets as well as other investments. Encouraged by their feedback, I took the plunge and decided to start my own financial advisory company.
Do you have any financial advice to share with our readers?
In general terms, my belief is that it is vital for everyone to diversify their holdings. A mixture of stocks, bonds, real estate, and retirement accounts is ideal for most people. The adage says that people who are closer to retirement need to move their holdings into less risky venues, but I believe that some risk is necessary to make money. Managing risk is one of my major focus areas as a financial advisor. People will always look at how well some stock or investment performed wishing they were involved with it but they overlook the potential emotional pain associated with watching their accounts lose 20% or more when an investment turns sour. I focus on the downside far more than the upside because the downside steals more than just ones money, it steals the time needed to make it back.
I would also recommend that investors pay off their high-interest debts before they start putting money into investments. High-interest debt can truly be an albatross around an investor’s neck, and it can haunt you well past retirement age if you don’t take care of it as soon as possible.
What industries would you recommend as avenues for investment?
I can’t give you specific advice, but I will say that it is important to keep an eye on economic data and forecasts. I believe if you focus on the big economic road and invest accordingly, in the end you have better odds of reaching your financial goals. Go with the flow so to speak. Work with your financial advisor to judge the market’s future movements. Predicting which investments will do well and which will perform poorly is not an exact science, but when your financial advisor has all the information they need about your portfolio, they will be able to give you solid information.
What do you do to unwind when you are not working?
I believe that it is important to stay in good physical shape to be successful. When you are in good shape, you are more prepared for life’s daily challenges. Strong mind and strong body go hand in hand. I find working out to be relaxing, so I work out as often as possible. My commute ironically helps me unwind as I live 200 miles from my office and have a small aircraft that I pilot back and forth.
Any final thoughts to share with our readers?
I would recommend that everyone who is serious about their money work with a financial advisor. Financial advisors have tools to understand the market that people typically can’t get on their own. Financial advisors are also able to look at your portfolio with a balanced view that is hard to have when your own money is on the line.
Securities offered through American Trust Investment Services, Inc. (ATIS) Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through Delta Investment Management, LLC.(DIM) ATIS and DIM are not affiliated entities. Vanclef Financial Group, Inc. (VFG) is not a broker/dealer or Registered Investment Advisor. VFG is not affiliated with either ATIS or DIM. Vanclef Financial Insurance Services: CA License #OF13092. Additional information can be found at www.brokercheck.com.

Jason Vanclef, CEO, Vanclef Financial Group, Inc.