The Importance of Appearance for Brick and Mortar Businesses
These days, many people prefer to do their shopping online. Between 2017 and 2018, e-commerce sales jumped by an impressive 15%. Brick and mortar stores, on the other hand, only grew by 3.7%. The unfortunate fact is that there’s a decreasing demand from consumers to buy from a storefront
. After all, shopping on the Internet is quick, easy, and you can do it in your pajamas.

Photo by Alexandre Godreau on Unsplash
To compete, brick and mortar businesses need to stand out as a unique, trendy space. Focusing on a custom appearance for your storefront can help to draw in customers and allow you to compete with the booming online marketplace. Here, we discuss how you can keep your storefront appealing to both new and returning customers alike.
Maintain the Property
The best thing you can do to keep your property looking its best is to keep it well maintained. Sweep and mop the floor daily if you have tile or hardwood, and vacuum any carpeted areas. You should also dust shelving and other surfaces to prevent the buildup of grime and preserve air quality. If you have windows or other glass surfaces around your building, you should also clean these each day to keep them looking pristine.
The facade of your business is just as important as the interior when it comes to first impressions. If you have litter or unkempt landscaping in front of your building, people are likely to assume that the interior looks just as bad. You should sweep and clean any pavement outside of your business regularly. If you have landscaping, you should mow, trim, and prune at least once per week to keep everything looking its best. If you don’t have the time or the know-how to take care of the landscaping, you might want to hire a professional crew to do it for you. Maintain the external appearance of your building, too, by scheduling gutter cleaning each year and power-washing your siding or roof.
Customize the Decor
While a clean, crisp storefront can look nice, it doesn’t make the most memorable impression. If you want to attract customers to your business, you need to be unique. You should come up with a decor theme that suits your area of expertise. For example, music stores may want to decorate with memorabilia, while a real estate agent’s office may want to stick with more traditional wall art. If you’re not sure where to find one-of-a-kind pieces, you can visit local thrift shops, farmer’s markets, and other exchanges.
Appearance is important for any brick and mortar store trying to compete with the online marketplace. By maintaining and decorating your property, you can work to attract new customers and impress old ones. A business that looks good both inside and out is much more likely to succeed with today’s shopper.