Legal insight

Defective Products Cases & Lawsuits: What you should know

Have you ever bought something that was moderately expensive to you, only to find that it broke on the first use, didn’t do the job it was supposed to, or simply didn’t work at all? If so, then a defective products lawyer could have gotten your money back for you. Of course, if it was a cheap purchase it’s not so much of a big deal, but imagine you were lied to about your house? Imagine that product harmed you in an irreparable way? Now you can see why defective products cases are so essential in the world of law. As a business/startup owner

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, it’s critical you understand the basics of product liability.

product liability

What constitutes a Defective Product Lawsuit?

This is what happens when someone has bought a faulty product and the cost, or the damage done has far exceeded the boundaries of the acceptable. Someone who wants to file a lawsuit over a defective product may be severely injured or severely out of pocket and have decided to take the product’s manufacturer to court to stop them selling their faulty goods to others.

A product’s defectiveness is usually split into different categories. It will usually be in one of three. We looked at these product liability concepts in more detail to clarify things for you.

What You Should Know About Defective Product Lawsuits – the Three Types of Lawsuit

So there are three main categories of lawsuit that will earn you a case.

1 – Defective Design

This is where the manufacturer hasn’t taken something into account, and it has led to a seriously defective product. A good example of this is a badly designed aerosol can that bursts when used. Another good example that is popular at the moment is when an E-Cig explodes during use and injures the person using it pretty severely. This is bad design and needs to be addressed before product liability becomes a problem.

2 – Defects During the Manufacturing Process

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So perhaps you bought a new car and you take it out on its first drive, and bits start falling off on the road. On taking your car to the garage, the mechanic explains that the bolts that hold the undercarriage together were never tightened. This isn’t a design fault, but rather an execution fault. This is covered by defective manufacturing.

3 – Failure to Warn the User of Danger

Let’s go back to the aerosol can again. Say you go on holiday and you leave your hairspray on the window ledge, or on top of a radiator. After a few hours that can explode, but it had no warning on the back about leaving it in a cool, dark place. If that warning is not on that bottle, and your house burns down as a result, then you are not liable

for that damage because you didn’t know it was a possibility.

Regardless of the three types of defective products lawsuit, you should get yourself an attorney and explore your options if a product has let you down. You might be entitled to compensation and never even know otherwise.

How Can I Find A Defective Products Lawyer Near Me?

The best way to understand about product liability is to type a defective products lawyer near me

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into the search bar. However, clicking on the link above will also do the trick. Finding a defective products lawyer near you isn’t quite so important as it used to be, given that we are living in a digital age. So much of what will eventually be casework can be done online, so vast distances between the client and the attorney aren’t the challenge that they used to be.

