Dealing with Naysayers on the Success of Your Marketing Campaign
Leading a marketing campaign is not easy. You need to be smart in your decisions to ensure that the strategies you employ will succeed. The problem is that even among your fellow employees, you will find people who will not believe in what you have to say. Instead of working together, you will see people trying to pull you down and say that your ideas will not work. You cannot get discouraged because of these naysayers. These strategies will help you stay tough in their presence.

Be open-minded
Before you classify all comments as negative criticism from your haters, you need to understand first why they are saying those things. For instance, if you are using a pop up banner stand to advertise and you hear people tell you that your techniques will not work, you cannot write them off. Instead, you need to listen to what they have to say about your marketing campaign. Perhaps, they have valid points that you could use to improve it.
Seek the opinion of people who believe in you
You might feel biased against these naysayers because you know that you dislike each other anyway. The best thing to confirm if they have a point is to ask the people who are close to you. They will not lie to your face if your marketing campaign ideas are terrible. Ask them what they have to say about the negative feedback you receive. If they have the same sentiments, it shows that your campaign plan might not work. Be open to other strategies and the idea that you might need to start over again. Perhaps, the use of a pop up banner stand will not work, but other print media tools could be useful.
Remain tough
You will always hear people trying to pull you down and discourage you. It is impossible for you to know if things will work unless you give them a shot. Therefore, you need to stay tough and pursue your plans anyway. If things do not work out, you can learn from the mistake. If the campaign succeeds, you will feel relieved that you did not listen to those naysayers.
Work hard
Coming up with ideas is easy. Judging them to be ineffective is also easy. The key is how you work the details out. For instance, if you decide to use an online marketing campaign, it does not mean you will immediately succeed. It does not mean you will fail either. You need to delve deeper into the content of the campaign first and make sure that you research your target audiences thoroughly. Find a way to make them feel connected with the ads you put out. You can also do the same with print ads if you decide to go that route.
The only thing you cannot do is give up if you face naysayers. As soon as you decide to give up, you will be handing them all a win.