Cash Advance Startup Financing: Launching with Radium2 Capital
Every business, whether large or small, must start somewhere. Often, it’s the challenge of getting that initial startup capital from complex bank loans. Lack of capital deters many small businesses from even getting off the ground. Firms like Radium2 Capital help startup businesses not only get started, but also provide individualized consultations to help businesses form a solid financial foundation for the future. Radium2 Capital has a simple application process that results in small businesses getting the capital they need fast. From applying to consulting, they build a relationship with the business. They provide a positive start in their chosen industry and the best possible chance of success moving forward.
Who Radium2 Capital Serves
strives to not only provide easy access to start-up capital for emerging small businesses, they also want to be a part of the process from initial application to funding. Radium2 Capital representatives work with entrepreneurs to determine which funding option suits their chosen business endeavor and industry, as well as determining mutually beneficial repayment plans.

At Radium2 Capital, all industries are valued and served with the same end-goal of business success in mind. From the financial, real estate, legal, dental, brokerage, mining, health and medical, automotive, storage and death care industries, no business is outside the Radium2 Capital scope when it comes to acquiring individualized advice, guidance, funding and repayment plans.
Two Main Funding Types
Radium2 Capital offers their customers two main funding types: Merchant Account Based Advances and Revenue Based Advances.
Merchant Account Based Advances
This form of repayment plan involves Radium2 Capital purchasing a small percentage of the applicant’s credit card-based revenue, allowing the business to access those future revenues immediately. This option allows borrowers to access up to two-hundred percent of their monthly credit card limits, freeing up the startup capital needed. This type of loan is ideal for individuals needing instant startup capital as it offers same-day approval and full funding. Generally the process is completed within as little as three days.
Further perks of the merchant account based advances are that there are no late penalties. And borrowers also benefit from early-payment discounts. The application process for this loan type is simple with minimal documentation needed. Entrepreneurs needing access to future revenue to jumpstart their business growth enjoy and value the leverage this loan option provides.
Revenue Based Advances
Loans can easily be secured through Radium2 Capital based on the monthly gross revenue of a business. There is no credit card processing required for this method as bank statements are needed, rather than credit card details. With an adaptable repayment term, a business can access up to $500,000 within three short days. In fact, business owners can borrow up to 125 percent of their average gross monthly profits.
Borrowers enjoy the low-risk aspect of this loan as there is no need for collateral or personal guarantee. This option is also more customizable as borrowers can choose their own repayment plan that best suits their chosen business.
Moving Forward with Radium2 Capital
When it comes to finding out if Radium2 Capital is for you, simply visit their website for information regarding scheduling your complimentary financial consultation today.
Applicants are encouraged to apply online or contact a Radium2 Capital representative by phone. The application process simply involves:
- disclosing how much capital you need
- providing business information so the right funding/repayment option
- receiving a quick quote
- gaining access to your funding within days
To learn more about Radium2 Capital and to say up to date with Merchant Cash Advance news and advice, follow them on Facebook or Medium.
When it comes to growing your small business, don’t be discouraged by the hoops that banks are known to make applicants jump through. Companies like Radium2 Capital take the funding power out of the hands of the banks. And they put it back in the hands of business owners and entrepreneurs.