8 Rules for Dressing Appropriately at the Office
There’s a reason why formal and casual codes of apparel were invented and decreed for certain places. And that is a good one! Uniforms and formal clothes are part of professional codes of conduct that one has to abide by in offices in order to maintain decorum and sobriety. Office attire forms part of your professional character and appearance, which has to be proper and presentable all the time.

And as the proverbial saying goes, “clothes maketh a man,” you can expect your image to be judged according to what you wear in professional places. So before you pick out your clothes for work today, do stop and ask if what you’re picking is appropriate for an office or an interesting date night ahead?
And if you’re still confused about that difference, then do let us save the day for you by giving this a read. Because in the following segments, we’re bringing you 8 rules that you need to know for dressing appropriately in the office!
1. Suit up with crisp cuts
When you are picking work-clothes, remember that you are not under the pressure of pulling something off that is not your usual size. In fact, oversized, loose, or ill-fitting clothes can make you appear shabby and messy in a bad way.
The rule to follow over here is always suit up in crisp, well-fitted apparel. While the classic buttoned-down suites and trousers work globally well for men, women can always dress in professional, custom-made pantsuits and pleated-skirts to make a powerful statement.
For the uppers, long-sleeved shirts will work like a charm for both genders. Keep it simple, keep it sharp!
2. Say no to skin-show
Some may think that risque apparels are often something that women may reach out for if they’re feeling particularly confident or adventurous.
But know that nobody would want to look at your chest peeking out of your unbuttoned shirt or sleeveless biceps in an office space, no matter how much you think they make you look manly.
Avoid showing skin as much as you can at work.
Anything in plunging necklines and or above the knees will only fetch you awkward glances and unwanted attention. Keep it simple with the panty-hose. Go for nude tones. Anything fish-netty is a complete no-no!
And for men, it would be a wiser decision to keep your neck and wrist collars buttoned and wear only full length lowers.
At times, it could be a real hassle shopping for work-appropriate blouses and tops. However, you can get a wide range of beautiful styles and prints on online stores like Ulla Popken that will cater to all your requirements.
3. Color Code Well
Picking an appropriate color for your office attire should not be very challenging, even if some may feel that way.
While neutrals are generally the go-to colors for office, the basics hues of black and white will always look absolutely stunning if worn with the right styles and cuts.
Classic shades of neutrals such as steel gray, blue-gray, beige, or brown work beautifully for gender. And if you want to add a bit of spark, then do go for a flattering shade of emerald green or navy blue.
But, the ones to avoid here are bright, in-your-face, loud colors, glitter, and neons. These will raise eyebrows in pretty bad ways at work, trust us on this.
4. All about the shoes
Shoes in your office attire are as important a factor as the clothes. You may be at times tempted to wear your favorite heels, boots, or comfortable slippers at the office on some days. But we suggest you never step foot in those at work.
Professional spaces call for proper and neat footwear for both genders, so do stick to socks and covered shoes and prim little heeled pumps for that. While chinos can sometimes work well for men, women can rock those kitten-heels and peep-toes if they got the rest of the outfit right.
Slippers, stilettos, or boots could really look out of place and improper in the office, and you wouldn’t really want to walk into a board-meeting and create a laid back image for your boss, seniors, and other dignitaries.
5. No old or unironed stuff
Well, this one’s a no-brainer. One simply should NOT walk in through that office door wearing unironed or tattered clothes.
It creates a dirty, shabby appearance and looks highly unprofessional. It also makes people think about your lifestyle and sense of discipline. Neither does it reflect well on your professional ethics.
6. Accessorize appropriately
Accessories play an essential part in accentuating your outfit. However, even that calls for one to know how to do it just right.
You can play well with flattering belts, bags, and shoes as long as they aren’t flashy and something that will look better at a party. Also, keep it really simple on the jewelry. A professional watch, such as a smart swiss military watch, is an options that makes a good impression in the office.
Forget those loose-hanging belts and chains before coming to work and opt for more smarter, crisp options.
7. No flowy dresses
If there’s anything that’s more annoying than flashy casuals in office attire, then that is someone wearing a tacky gown or dress-suit in the office. These look utterly inappropriate in an office space and may interrupt your activities or of those that are around you.
Avoid all things flowy, loose, or what might get in the way. No one should be tripping or stepping on anybody’s dress in the office!
8. No offensive text on tee
You’ll always get ample chances of being a rebel or supporting your favorites in all fields. But, the office is not a place where you should do that.
Never go for anything offensive on your clothes or accessories such as text, images, or other visual objects for work. It will create a severely negative impression and may lead to disastrous outcomes for your career.
And, in our opinion, do not endorse something that may be offensive or hurtful to others, ANYWHERE!
And that was it for our extensive guide on some of the rules of dressing in office attire that you should follow. We hope it had been a useful read for you!
We’ll be back with more such stuff! Till next time!