
5 Google AdWords Hacks Trending for Business Owners

Driving more leads to your business is definitely a must. Luckily ad technology via Google AdWords is a trending technology, making netting those quality leads easier. If you have yet to give pay-per-click (PPC) advertising a go, or if you want to tweak your current PPC strategy, we have some hacks for you and your business.

google adwords
Image by launchpresso from Pixabay

But why Google AdWords and PPC? It is true that your marketing message and target audience will stay the same. However, being able to tailor your online ad outreach using digital technology can produce higher quality leads that turn into more customers for your business. And the good news is that you don’t have to do it alone.

Today, you can even benefit by integrating your digital PPC efforts with your direct mail marketing efforts. Invest in bulk custom envelopes from online stores like the Envelope Superstore (, create well-designed mailers, add a QR code to your materials, and you’re good to go.

“The immediate benefit you’ll see is that instead of having to fight against hordes of competitors to rank organically in search engines, you can jump straight to the top of the queue,” Casey Weisbach explained in a Forbes article


The following are X Google AdWords hacks you can use for your next PPC campaign. Let’s dive in!

  1. Ensure you are maximizing your ad campaign by leaving no ad content blank
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There are a few key areas you need to fill out when it comes to your ad content. This ad content allows you to really tell a story and net the quality leads you need to transform potential customers into buyers down the road. Be sure to fill out all ad content, like destination URL, headline one and headline two, both paths (location, category, product and/or service), and full description. Having all this information in place greatly increases your chances for more quality clicks.

  1. Have a powerful landing page connected to your Google AdWords campaign

Driving traffic from your PPC ad to your business website is only half the battle. Once users get to your website, you need the content on-page to generate a quality lead. This makes having a powerful landing page that converts absolutely important. The first part of this is to ensure your landing page “above the fold” marketing message matches the ad content.

Next, have plenty of informative content and call to action (CTA) buttons on the page to capture the coveted conversion. This allows you to take a user who lands on your page from your ad on the proper buyer journey. It can also be integrated into your reinforcement learning strategy as well.

  1. Leverage negative keywords to keep lead generation of the highest quality

One of the best Google AdWords hacks you can employ for your business is to leverage negative keywords in your ad. Negative keywords are keywords you do not want your advertisement to show up for in Google search queries. This is important, because without negative keywords in place, you may find a very low quality of leads coming in. This wastes time and a lot of ad spend.

For instance, let’s say you want to target women runners with your PPC campaign. To keep men from being served your ad, you can insert negative keywords like “men” and “men runners” for your ad. This means that anything related to men runners being searched for will not have your ad in the Google search results.

  1. Understand and use PPC keyword match types for better leads

User intent plays a big role when it comes to PPC advertisements. This is why keywords remain at the core of any Google AdWords campaign. But many business owners don’t know that keyword match types are just as important to understand and implement.

For instance, you can choose multiple keyword match types like broad, broad match modified, phrase, and exact match keywords. If you want to net the more impressions, broad match keywords may be best. However, if you really want to focus on quality leads, less impressions and better CTR are a must. You can use exact match keywords to get this type of result from your ad.

  1. Get location specific with your Google AdWords campaigns

You can score far more quality leads from your AdWords campaign by using the location hack. This is when you target your ads for a specific location, also known as geotargeting. This is a valuable AdWord hack for both online businesses and brick and mortar store fronts. Why? First, online businesses can use the Google Analytics to find where most of their website visitors and customers come from. Store front businesses serve a local community already, so serving ads to that community online is optimal for quality leads and more conversions.

In conclusion . . .

Using online advertisements to get a leg up on your competition is certainly nothing new. However, not that many businesses know how to maximize ad spend for top notch leads and increased conversions. The above Google AdWords Hacks can serve as your quick guide to launching an ad campaign that gets better results.