5 Crucial Security Features for Your Home Office
With the current state of the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have been forced to work from home. Whilst this may be wonderful for some, it is important that we do not neglect the basics of securing your home office. With countless people sadly losing their jobs entirely, we must remain vigilant if we want to have a safe and happy working environment. Below we have listed five of the most crucial security features to implement in your own home office space.

Doorbell Camera
With a wide range of doorbell cameras and intercoms available these days, there is no excuse for not knowing who is at your front door (or back door if that is your workspace entrance). With modern technology, you can now be alerted on your mobile phone or computer once the motion sensors have picked up a person nearing your door. You can directly speak to the person through your phone or computer microphone. This is a fantastic feature for packages from delivery personnel as well.
Invest in a Shredder
Do not let sensitive documents accumulate in your home office. Shredders are a highly effective and affordable solution; it is best to choose and shredder that crosscuts the paper instead of just cutting it into strips. Crosscutting will ensure it is impossible for prying eyes to glue the pieces back together at a later stage.
Household cameras are an absolute must for any home, especially one with a home office. Ensure you install the best home alarm system that money can buy or your budget will allow – the peace of mind this will bring you will be well worth the investment. Do not worry about pets or small children setting these off as these can be set to recognise those that should be in the area and immediately set off the alarm for any intruders or unwelcome guests.
Lockable Doors and Cupboards
This may seem like something that should go without saying, you would be surprised how many people do not have lockable office doors or office cabinets. Just because you feel at home in your own home, does not mean you can neglect the basic principles of security in your home office. Many of us may even continue to work from home long after the pandemic is over so this is especially relevant if your home office or desk area is in an open-plan environment.
Make sure your office door is solid and has extra-locking protection such as a deadbolt or chain lock to keep your work secure outside of office hours or when you have popped out of the office to run errands. Even commercial quality doors like Larnec commercial doors may be appropriate, given your equipment and safety concerns.
A Clean Environment Is A Safe Environment
Finally, keeping your desk clean and tidy will prevent any snooping from family and friends or inquisitive children. Likewise, if you have a street facing office, having limited objects on your desk will prevent any window shoppers from feeling tempted as they pass by your home. A clean desk and papers locked away in a lockable cabinet will remove any visual temptation and drastically reduce any unwanted attention to your desk and potentially sensitive information.
If you have not implemented most, if not all, of the above features to secure your home office, it is best if you do so sooner rather than later. Hope is not an adequate strategy when it comes to protecting and securing your home office space. These five crucial features will go a long way in securing your professional office, your company and, ultimately, your job.