PeopleStaffing / Careers

10 Tips for Motivating Employees to Perform

Motivated employees perform better, which makes it imperative to business success. While it might seem daunting to accomplish, the following ten tips will help you to understand how to better employee motivation.

First of all, you need to recognize that all folks have motivation. This simply means that there is something going on that causes the person to make steps each day toward the important matter. For some it is work, for others it is related to their religion and spirituality. Still others might climb out of bed to get high or engage in a beloved activity.

Secondly, recognize that you simply cannot instill motivation in an individual. However, you can create a workplace environment that brings out the best work motivation possible for each and every employee on your payroll. Your choices can elevate employee motivation or stomp it into the ground. Poor policies and management execution can remove virtually all motivation beyond collecting a paycheck.

Free or inexpensive gifts are a third suggestion for staff motivation. Finding ways to create a positive, supportive environment is one of the best things that can be done to keep employees excited about showing up for work each day. Think beyond events and activities directly related to work. For instance, give everyone a $5 gift card to a nearby coffee shop. In a lot of workplaces an employee of the month certificate is handed out to this end and can be a real tool for motivation.

While it is true that these types of gifts will help to keep employees satisfied, these are short-term efforts. If the overall workplace is still toxic, a few beautiful flowers or free lunch will not suffice to keep them on board.

You must learn how to properly manage your time and commit to your employees if you want to keep them motivated. Revamp existing policies to show respect for your workers. Find interest in your employees and treat them with respect. Likewise, make sure that all members of management are in line with these changes.

People must be treated as more than resources in order to feel properly motivated. Good communication skills all the way around will facilitate this workplace environment.

Staff needs to have clear directions regarding tasks. This includes which ones to prioritize and reasonable deadlines. When employees know what is expected, they are more motivated to complete tasks on time and to do them well.

While many supervisors and managers want to know about employee motivation, they often take the wrong stance on the matter. In reality, nobody can create motivation in another. However, an environment can be established that fosters motivation rather than squelching it. The specifics will vary from one workplace to the next, but most management teams can identify weak areas based on their own situation.

Of course, not all supervisors feel this way. There are certainly some who are there to put in their forty hours and grab a check at the end of the week. These folks tend to find employee-motivation tactics useless.

Keeping employees motivated isn’t a one-time thing. No matter who is on staff, nor the time of year, kindness is always appreciated. However, that only goes so far. Finding the right motivation for employees entails looking at what each individual needs within the framework of their job description, and then using the correct techniques to implement motivating situations.

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Now, it is important to recognize that employee satisfaction is only one metric of business success. The company and your staff need to have ways to measure success and improve performance in order to keep products rolling out, customers satisfied, and your business bank account growing.

Ask the folks in your employ for their feedback. They tend to know what they want, and will be excited to have a voice in how their day goes when they arrive at work. As much as possible, meet their needs and desires.


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When people have been asked for their input, they need to see the results in action. If you can’t make the change, let them know why. They might be able to come up with a viable solution that will please you both! This is one of the biggest keys to keep employees motivated regarding their work performance.

Keep in mind that each member of the team is ultimately responsible for their own choices. All you can do is create a work environment conducive to employee motivation.


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