
Top Tips For Starting A Business From Your Sofa In 2025

According to a recent study, around 40% of Americans are considering starting their own business – and it’s easy to understand why. Tapping into your entrepreneurial spirit can open many doors, both in terms of your finances and career aspirations. Not only that, but when first starting out, this is something that you can do from the comfort of your own home.

However, as launching a business requires a significant investment of your time, money, and energy, you must ensure that you carry out plenty of research ahead of time. This way, you’ll better understand the challenges you may face and can ensure that you’re putting your best foot forward.

startup tips

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

With that in mind, here are some top tips for starting a business from your sofa in 2025!

Start by putting together a business plan. Here’s the truth: an idea alone ≠ a successful business. If you want to succeed in the long term, you need to develop a strong business plan that covers all bases, from customer acquisition to marketing. This will allow you to navigate your way through your company’s infancy with ease, making it easier to reach targets or make adjustments to your strategy when it feels as though they’ll remain out of reach.

While this is by no means comprehensive, your business plan should contain some of the following: 

  • A statement outlining your objectives and goals as a business 
  • An insight into your target audience
  • Market and Competitor Analysis 
  • An overview of your finances and budget
  • Marketing plans 
  • A list of clear, actionable goals/targets

Budget. Before you can even begin to think about launching a business, it is important that you have your finances in order. This will allow you to stay true to your budget, which, in turn, will provide you with the financial backing you need to invest in future growth and development.

Getting your budget right ahead of time is crucial, especially when you consider the fact that a lack of money is the #1 reason why small businesses tend to close up shop. While you may be planning on investing your personal savings during this time, remember that there are other funding opportunities you can make use of, too. For example, you may be eligible for a business loan or grant, or you could try reaching out to investors who have worked on similar projects beforehand (avoiding conflicts of interest). 

Paint a picture of your target audience. In order to connect with your target audience and foster a strong, loyal relationship, you must first have a strong understanding of who they are. This means that you need to carry out extensive research into your target demographic so that you can gather as much information about them as possible. The more specific you can be, the better.

For example, instead of simply launching a clothing brand for women, hone in on a particular demographic. For example, this could be women of a specific age or those who follow a specific lifestyle. This will allow you to tailor your services and products accordingly, increasing your chances of success in the long term.

You can further your insights by hosting a series of focus groups. However, as opposed to simply asking them for their opinions on your proposed products/services, use this as an opportunity to tap into their mindsets even further. For example, you should ask them for their opinion on competitor brands, where they like to shop, and what factors make them loyal to a brand.

Set up a workspace. We have some disappointing news for you. While, in theory, you can start and run a business from your sofa, this isn’t always the best course of action. After all, doing so means that you’ll never be quite as productive as you would be if you were working at a desk (though you may be far comfier). 

As such, you should ensure you set up a designated workspace within your home. If you don’t have the space or the funds to convert an entire room, don’t worry – the only thing you need to make space for is a desk and office chair. However, you should avoid placing this in your bedroom wherever possible, as studies have found that working in this space can have a negative impact on your sleep. 

Furthermore, you should try to place your desk or office setup in an area with plenty of natural light. This can help to improve both your focus levels and your mood, meaning you work much more productively as a result of this.

Invest in storage. Many of those who run a business from their home tend to use their private spaces as stock cupboards, especially when they are expecting an influx of orders. While this may not seem to be a problem to begin with, it is not sustainable as your business grows. After all, committing to this form of storage means that you’ll be constantly surrounded by clutter or boxes!

One of the easiest ways around this is to invest in local storage units. This will allow you to manage your stock (and your space) more effectively without negatively impacting your ability to fulfill customer orders. In fact, it can make the entire process much quicker as you’re able to produce (and store) more products without running out of space.

Think about outsourcing. Business owners tend to report high levels of stress and burnout, often because they have an incredible amount of work on their plate at any given time. After all, a lot of work goes into running a business. One way in which you can protect yourself from burnout is outsourcing. 

This way, you no longer have to dedicate hours of your time to tasks that you don’t really understand or fall outside of your skillset and can instead focus on investing in other areas of business growth. In the current market, you can outsource everything from administrative assistance to financial forecasting, so you have plenty of options to choose from, all of which can help you streamline business operations and remain on the path to success. 

Develop a healthy work-life balance. The concept of a healthy work-life balance seems like a myth to many business owners, with the vast majority working more than 40 hours a week. However, this is a boundary that you must establish early on if you want to avoid burnout and keep your business on the path to success. 

Again, there are many ways in which you can ensure that you develop a healthy work-life balance. For example, you should start by attempting to work “typical” working hours, such as 9-5, though some adjustments can be made where necessary. You should also ensure that you take a break when you need one!

Final thoughts. Taking a leap and starting your own business can be incredibly nerve-wracking, especially if you are leaving a stable job behind in order to do so. However, the benefits of running a business on your own far outweigh any of the setbacks that you may face. As such, now is the perfect time to take the plunge and start your own home-based business.

Furthermore, as outlined above, there are many steps that you can take to guarantee your success, such as carrying out extensive research into the market and your target audience to develop a healthy work-life balance. In addition to this, it is important that you do not underestimate the power of a positive attitude when it comes to running a successful business.


Phillip Hofmann

Managing Director of The Startup Magazine.