
Tips To Help You Feel Professional, Confident And Comfortable at Work

Have you ever arrived somewhere only to find that you are seriously overdressed, overdressed or in the completely incorrect clothing?  This has happened to everyone at some point in their life and it can be embarrassing, unprofessional and uncomfortable.  While it would be easier if you could find out exactly what you should wear to your next executive assistant job, it is just not possible to know.  Every industry and company have a different dress code and standard which can make choosing what to wear nerve wrecking.


Know The Industry And The Company


As each company and industry have a different opinion on what is appropriate attire you need to do some research beforehand on the company and industry culture.  If you know someone who works in the company try and get a feel from them about the dress code and culture.  During the job interview or when you are arranging your first day with the HR department, you should not be afraid to ask about the dress code.  They will generally be happy to let you know what is expected.


When going for a job interview you should consider these standards which will help you out:


  • Men should look at wearing nice dress pants with a button-down shirt. You do not have to wear a tie, but it is recommended that you do.  It is better to be overdressed for the interview instead of underdressed.
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  • Women should look at wearing a nice pair of dress slacks or a business skirt. A button down shirt or blouse will also work.


Think About The Appropriateness Of The Outfit


For women, your workplace is not the place to be wearing miniskirts and low-cut shirts.  If the company requires business attire then you need to invest in some dress pants or knee-length or close to knee length skirts.  You should also use the lean-over test to check the nature of shirt collar.  If you are able to see everything when you bend over in front of the mirror then the shirt is not appropriate.


While leggings are very fashionable right now they are also banned in a lot of company dress codes.  You do not want to fall foul of the dress code because you like your leggings.  It is best that you keep your attire neat, clean and comfortable because this will improve your confidence at work.


For men, you need to keep your appearance tidy and neat as well.  If you have a mustache or beard

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then you need to keep it clean and well groomed.  Your clothing should also be clean and you need to ensure it is wrinkle free.  If your company allows you to wear t-shirts you need to ensure that they do not have anything offensive on them or look like you picked them off the ground and threw them on.  Your pants need to fit you properly and you must not show your office your undergarments.


Perfume and cologne are a bit of a hot topic in many offices.  While it is important that you smell good, it is also important that you are sensitive to coworkers who could have allergies or be sensitive to certain smells.  The best solution is to go with subtlety.  If you are wearing a small spray of perfume or cologne you should be fine.


However, if the entire building smells like you as soon as you walk in then you are wearing too much.  Your coworkers should not be able to tell that you are coming by smell alone.  By keeping it subtle you are going to ensure that everyone loves it.


Test Drive Your Outfits


Once you know what the dress code is you can put some outfits together and try them before you go to work in them.  You should check that you can move comfortably and that they look tidy.  Would the clothing become uncomfortable as the day goes one?  You also need to ensure that you are comfortable when you sit, stand and walk.


The shoes in your outfit also need to be comfortable and you need to ensure they do not cause blisters. A lot of people find that shoes such as those from Orthotic Shop can be very comfortable for the long term. Your clothing should also not have any offensive images or slogans on it.


If your dress standards match your company’s code and culture you are going to feel more confident.  You will also be more professional and your comfort levels will increase.  There are a lot of ideas that you can use to find the best work attire for you.
