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The risk of data loss. And what happens when you don’t take it seriously.

You’re a business owner, so you’ve got a lot on your plate. Dividing up your daily tasks and prioritising certain duties often means some aspects of your business are moved further down the pecking order. One element of your business that you should never neglect or postpone for another day, is your data backup and disaster recovery plan. Do you even have one?

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Imagine realising that all your company information, business data, client database, financial transaction history, bank details and even information that is sensitive to your business, specifically was gone. Wiped. Deleted. And never coming back.

Your business would have to be put on hold and you’d need to spend a significant amount of time trying to resolve the problem (and explain to your customers and shareholders why you didn’t have a data recovery plan in place) before you could continue. Companies like Probrand can help create a disaster recovery service that suits your business.

Simply put, if you don’t take data loss seriously, both you and your business could live to regret it. Here we’ll examine what happens when businesses like yours don’t take data loss and disaster recovery seriously.

So much downtime

As mentioned above, downtime is one of the biggest regrets of those who just don’t think about their data and disaster recovery options. When your data is missing or deleted your business will grind to a halt. This is not only bad news for your bottom line but for your clients and your employees. Downtime costs your business money and in some cases, depending on the severity of the data loss, you may not be able to recover. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, right?

Bye-bye to your reputation

As a business owner, you’ll understand that building yourself a reputation as a company that can be trusted, that looks after it’s clients and employees and exceeds all expectations takes time and effort. Sadly, in the event of a data disaster, it’s not only your files and databases that will be wiped out. Your reputation as a business of integrity will disappear just as quickly. Would you trust a business that lost your personal data, your credit card numbers or your address? Probably not.

You’re giving cybercriminals the green light

If you’re not taking data backup and disaster recovery seriously, then chances are your IT infrastructure is also vulnerable. As a business owner, you need to ensure that you have the very best in firewall protection and anti-virus software, otherwise, there’ll be very little to stop hackers and cybercriminals from decimating your business.

Your life is much more difficult

If you don’t have disaster recovery as a service, then you’re probably making your business life exceedingly difficult. Juggling laptops, external hard drives, paper copies and constantly making duplicate files. If this is how you’re backing up your data then it’s more likely to be breached, lost or just not done. With DRaaS, in the case of a technical emergency, you’ll have access to your lost files within minutes!

If you want to revel in the fact that your data is secure and not going anywhere, reach out to a DRaaS provider now.
