
Is Reseller Hosting a Legitimate Extra Income Opportunity for Startups?

A well-managed startup should be constantly looking for ways to increase revenue and diversify its business model. Ideally, a startup should be able to provide its clients with all of the tools and resources they need to utilise the company’s service without having to go to any other site or provider for auxiliary services. As a hosting reseller you’ll have the ability to create custom plans that rely on the server power of an established hosting provider and their data centre. With that said, here are a few reasons why becoming a hosting reseller can be beneficial to any web-based startup:

1. Having an Extra Feature to Offer Clients

Whether you’re a web design agency or a team of marketers, any time you can add a selling point to service, that’s just one more advantage that prospects will consider when deciding whether to choose your company over others. As a reseller you’ll be able to provide all-inclusive service packages equipped with everything the client needs to get their site(s) active online. As a startup you should attempt to expand and extend the capabilities of your service in any way possible, and being able to provide hosting is a good start.

2. Positioning Yourself as a Hosting Provider

Any entrepreneur will tell you that diversifying is one of the keys to achieving success in any field. If you know your clients will need hosting to utilise your web service, why not make it easy for them to obtain the necessary components through your company, rather than forcing them to go somewhere else? A number of startups have incorporated hosting as an extra feature in their service, and then after realising how profitable it can be, have branched off to launch separate hosting businesses altogether. To see an example of what you can provide as a reseller, go here.

3. Streamlining Technical Processes for Clients

Whether your startup is catering to the needs of consumers or other businesses, your goal should be to make the entire process more convenient and less burdensome on the client. Rather than asking clients to become familiar with hosting interfaces, server technology, data backups, and all of the other technical issues that come with administering a hosting plan, consider the benefits of handling these issues on their behalf. Being able to say “we take care of everything, including the hosting” is a great way to make a client feel as though they would be silly for putting in the extra effort to go elsewhere.

Staying Progressive and Proactive

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In conclusion, adding the title of web host to the list of features is just one step that any web-oriented startup should be taking to ensure a proactive and progressive approach. If you know you can earn a profit from a percentage of your clients’ hosting needs, why not make an attempt to do so? Becoming a reseller not only adds an extra dynamic to your business, it is also gives clients another reason to choose you over the competition.


Yoav Farbey

Contributing writer to the Startup Magazine.