
Health & safety in business: The importance of choosing the right wheels


It’s no secret that health and safety is important in every business, whether you are running a call centre or a warehouse, and wheels have a huge impact on the health and safety of everyday tasks. They are something we definitely take for granted as they’re so commonplace on everything from chairs, to trolleys to tables. So much so, you might not have thought about them in any detail before.


Choosing the right wheels is a simple task, you just need to find something that fits your needs and situation:


For warehouses

Health and safety in any warehouse is important, and should be considered for everything from the clothes employees wear to the equipment they are using and the training they receive before they are allowed out on the warehouse floor. Here are the wheel types you should be considering:


  • Toe guards

These wheels do exactly what it ‘says on the tin’ – to quote that famous varnish company – they guard worker’s toes and ensure there are no injuries to feet while moving heavy equipment. As well as a maneuverable castor, these also have a metal guard strip overlaying the actual wheel to ensure no one gets hurt.


  • Swivel locks

To ensure complete ease when maneuvering, swivel lock wheels are great if machinery or equipment needs to be moved often but also needs to be secured in place to ensure health and safety measures are met. These wheels work with a simple clip that locks in place with a touch of the foot, once the equipment is stationary.


  • Brakes

Very important, because no one wants to use machinery that moves around! So brakes on your wheels are an essential feature to ensure nothing goes sliding away when it’s turned on. These are commonly featured in medical professions, to ensure trolleys and equipment can be maneuvered quickly but also held in place securely.


For office spaces


  • Brakes
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Tables, chairs and desks in the office are all usually on wheels to allow businesses flexibility when it comes to layout, so wheels with brakes are more than likely the best choice.


If you are upgrading equipment and aren’t sure where to look when it comes to wheels then castors from Tente are recommended for those businesses who want a high quality fix at the best price. Alternatively, if you are buying new equipment it’s important you check the wheels carefully – especially if you are buying second hand – to ensure they meet your requirements and can keep yourself, and those who work for your business, safe.



Yoav Farbey

Contributing writer to the Startup Magazine.