Staffing / Careers

Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Day as a Civil Engineer

Pursuing a career as a professional civil engineer will make for a challenging yet highly rewarding and varied working life, and whether you have followed the more traditional route of a bachelor’s degree from a university or have worked your way up from an apprenticeship, continue reading. 

Here is everything you need to know before your first day as a civil engineer. 

The Benefits of Studying for a Civil Engineering Degree

Firstly, it would be useful to know about the myriad benefits of choosing to study civil engineering at university, not least due to the huge boost to your employability prowess when you come to apply for a professional role in the industry. 

A bachelor’s degree program in the discipline will cover everything from the creation and initial design of new structures to how to modernize and transform existing buildings (both in the private and commercial sectors). It will also improve your understanding of math-related knowledge and relevant software packages. 

Additionally, other modules you are likely to study include:

  • CAD (computer aided design)
  • Electronics
  • Physics
  • Mechanics
  • Chemistry 
  • Practical usage of machinery
  • Mathematics

A Strong Working Knowledge of GIS Mapping 

Another hugely important and helpful tool you will have at your disposal is GIS mapping, which forms an integral part of the work of a civil engineer and, indeed, the industry as a whole.

In particular, and even if you have covered this topic through your work placement or practical degree program, it is strongly advised to learn as much as you can about workflow planning using GIS mapping. 

GIS mapping has revolutionized the world of civil engineering and is set to remain an integral part of the industry. 

How to Communicate with Anybody!

Part and parcel of the role of a civil engineer involves being able to communicate and converse, both formally and informally, with a wide variety of professionals and clients for each and every project. 

Additionally, as part of your first professional project, it is highly likely that you will be required to present proposed designs and modifications to other civil engineers, business managers, and personal clients alike. 

A Team Player

There are several career pathways that are entirely self-motivated, such as a freelance writer or a lighthouse keeper, for example, and such roles require little to no interaction and collaboration with other people.

However, as you might expect, civil engineers are part of a huge, expensive, and complicated project and therefore need to be an open and honest team player. 

Always Be Open to Learning More

Finally, as civil engineering is largely involved with complex technologies, equipment, and machinery, it stands to reason that a civil engineer who fails to keep constantly updated with the latest industry news and developments will quickly become less than desirable. 

This is why it is absolutely essential to always seek to earn additional certifications, to learn as much as you can in as many separate areas, and to remain abreast of the developments in your particular specialism within the industry. 
