
DIY Advanced Link Building Techniques to Implement During the Coronavirus Outbreak

There’s no doubting that Coronavirus has had a wide reaching effect on all areas of industry. The online world is no different, with businesses finding themselves inundated with new information, day after day. This new information makes reactive digital marketing in the usual way a difficult thing to do, even for experts.

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With the repercussions of this terrible virus still resonating around the globe, we thought we would help out the businesses struggling to maintain the digital decorum needed to successfully market your business.

Why Your Business Needs Links?

We will keep our explanation short because this is for advanced digital marketing clients. Put simply; the more links there are to your site from credible platforms, the more your site is considered a trusted source of reliable information by search engines (like Google). Up your link building skills and you up your worth, therefore pushing yourself upwards in search results.

Implementing Link Building Techniques During Covid-19

Without further speculation, we bring you some of the most advanced link building techniques from Infinitech Designs, professionals in all things digital.

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The digital marketing things you are doing (or should be doing) on the day-to-day need to be tailored to match the new influx of keywords arising out of the pandemic. We consider basic link building to be sharing things from your pages onto social media, and guest blogging. To make these concepts advanced, we want to strategize our guest blogs. Can we get medical professionals to assess our business in relation to COVID-19 and blog saying our establishment is safe? Can we offer discounts for healthcare workers and put this into an infographic that loyal social media customers will share over and over again? Think about how you can adapt your basic digital marketing strategies to accumulate links in these troubled times.

The Advancements in Link Building

A personal favorite method of ours is to scour high value pages that regularly supply backlinks and have a quick read through some blogs or posts that are relevant to our business. Now, those posts are rated as high-value because of the way the writer links to other trusted information

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sources. The longer a post is online and relevant for, the more likely there are to be ‘dead’ links in their content.

Say I wrote a post about light bulbs ten years ago, and you happen to sell light bulbs. You see my blog post, you read through it, and you find that five of my ten links are broken. You spot what needs to be written to replace these links in a valuable way, then you match those links to your own content.

Next, you contact the writer, offer your links as an alternative, and 9 times out of 10 that writer will be glad you spotted it and gladly use your suggestions. Everyone benefits and you build links during COVID-19.

Another reliable method is to scour the pages of those firms who rank higher than you in search engines. It might be they are big enough to be capturing traffic through ads, but it might be they are a firm your size, in your area, that is link building better than you are… go have a peek and copy it.

Better Link Building is In Your Hands

Now that you have access to some top link building tips, get out there and work hard. OF course, you can always look for more or our informative articles if you need digital marketing advice and tips.
