Legal insight

Defending Your Business Offensively And Defensively

Your business is going to see trouble on both sides of the fence. You’ll have those bring suits against you of a personal injury nature which are unfounded, and likewise you may be victim to injuries from higher-powered organizations. Granted, you’re more likely to be attacked, than to need defense; but you need to be prepared.

Trouble On All Sides

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Personal injury has a very specific definition, and can happen due to negligence. But what is negligence? There’s a difference between an accident, and that which can be prevented.

The following isn’t a legal definition by any means, but you can understand negligence, or that which defines a personal injury, as that which results in an injury to a person—or even their wrongful death—which can be legally demonstrated to be no fault of the injured.

This definition is reflected by, purveyor of personal injury legal advice: “When an accident occurs and someone is seriously injured or killed due to no fault of their own, the party responsible for the accident can be held liable for the financial damages that resulted.”

The thing is, if you’re going up against a big organization, they’ll likewise have an attorney of some stripe who tries to prove that an accident of the preventable variety that happens through no fault of the injured is, in some way, their fault. That’s the high-powered corporate attorney’s job.

Then you’ve got those clients who claim an injury when they themselves are clearly at fault. You need protection. You’ve heard the case of that individual who was stealing—or at the very least vandalizing—a property, fell through a skylight, and then sued the property

? Well, if they’d had better representation, maybe that could have been prevented.

Don’t Go Into Corporate “Battle” Without Preparation

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If you’re a business operating in a corporate sense, operating without some personal injury attorney on your side is tantamount to entering battle without shield or weapon. You’re a lot more likely to be injured substantially than to come through such a situation unscathed.

When you’re sourcing an attorney, you want one who can work on either side of the case. You want defense from frivolous suits, and you want an attorney who can tenaciously acquire a deserved settlement when that against whom the settlement is leveled tries to get away from the financial award they should justly pay.

Something else to consider is the increasingly compensation-hungry nature of modern society

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. People these days are apt to sue, because the law has a nebulous quality to it. Sure it is set in stone, but at the same time, a clever enough attorney can get around those strictures for the purposes of themselves or their clients.

You want legal representation with experience, who has been vetted by their clients, who understands the varying tricks of the trade, and who can substantively protect the interests of any represented clients.

Protection Against Diverse Injuries

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There are quite a few different kinds of personal injury covered under the penumbra of personal injury law. Slip and fall accidents, vicious dog bites, car accidents, medical malpractice, negligence—the list goes on. When you’re working with a firm that has experience, most any kind of personal injury can be dealt with.

If you haven’t considered this echelon of protection, it makes sense to do a quick search and find solutions which you feel comfortable pursuing. It can’t hurt to have legal representation that you trust in. As a matter of fact, taking such a measure could be that which preserves your business for decades to come.
