
Beat the office doldrums with these design tips

So, you enter your grey, sagging office and handcuff yourself to your desk for another day. The sun is sweltering outside and children rollick past your window with candy canes in their hands and whimsical rainbows in their eyes. 

Yet there you are, with 14,000 audits to be finished by the end of the day. Your office is a blank, dank mess – there’s no way you’ll make it to lunchtime. 

Well, don’t be too sure. If you had a workplace with better design you’d ease into your day more easily. Indeed, employee morale can increase dramatically if their office isn’t reminiscent of a Russian gulag. 

So, follow a few of these design tips to take your office from dull to delightful. 

Breathe in the flora

Unless you’ve filled your workplace with so much plant life that you can’t get through the door, there are nothing but advantages to buying a few office plants to liven the place up

To start with, plants effectively oxygenate your workplace. Through a neat process known as photosynthesis, flora will “breathe in” carbon dioxide and “breathe out” oxygen, cleaning out the air and, in turn, giving you healthier lungs. 

Add to this the mental health benefits created by an abundance of plants and you’re onto a winner. So, populate your office with some flowery friends for a lighter, brighter day. 

Look to the east

Feng Shui, a form of oriental spiritualism that’s existed for more than two millennia, is the art of merging your home with the spirits of nature. 

While the majority of the practice might seem a bit hokey by today’s standards, the interior design element of Feng Shui is as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. 

Track down an expert in the field and invite them to your office to gain their expert input. 

Get a personality

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Have you ever wandered into a massive looking office complex with pointless, soulless artwork lining the walls? They’ve got the right idea, but they’ve failed on one important point – their workplace is a personality vacuum.  

To bring some soul to your office, don’t just buy art that could be “motivational”. Find pieces that enthuse and stimulate you, and that love of art will trickle down to your employees and, just maybe, give them a spark of motivation that’s sorely lacking in the greying glum of most workplaces. 


Yoav Farbey

Contributing writer to the Startup Magazine.